Monday, April 23, 2007

"Would you help me stand?"

So it has been a long week...but it was much better than the last. The muscle relaxers made it a lot easier to sleep at night.

Siblings weekend was a lot of fun! I'm really glad Rachel could make it up here. On Friday, we went to the 60s dance that Encounter hosted...they played all old school music. The funny thing is that it's hard to dance to because we're so used to hard rock and all that sex-with-no-clothes dancing. So what did I do? I started to dance like Mom because I figured it was her era, she knew what she was doing. My friends kept saying things like "Wow, that is so cool--where did you learn to dance like that?" Thank you, Mommy. Saturday, Rachel and I spent the afternoon outside between Kick Out and Spring Fest on the Quad. Needless to say, we both got sunburned. And we saw Lucky Boys Confusion. It was amazing until I got kicked in the head by a crowd surfer then I was done and we headed out.

I started a job last week as the recycling person for Walker Hall, which means I take all the recycling outside to the designated place and I work on my own time. I don't like it at all but it's a little extra cash...and it's only about 1.5 hours every two days so it's not too time-consuming. Oh, and speaking of recycling, we had a program yesterday where we used old water bottles to make a potted plant. Mine is sitting on my desk, Fran the Flower. The seeds obviously haven't grown yet but I made flowers out of pipe cleaners hoping that this would encourage the seeds a little.

I'm currently not in a very good mood...I have an inkling why. I really enjoy listening to the music on my myspace. Gensis and Carole King are making me feel a little better. I think part of the bad mood is due to a very frightening dream I had during my afternoon nap.

I was on the cast for a movie being filmed on ISU's quad, which btw did not look like the quad at all--it looked more like a huge valley. It was about African tribal wars (tribes from totally different time periods), and I was part of the Egyptian tribe. Anyway, we're filming and a huge group of people who just left a frat party walk by and I know some of them. Pretty soon the actors who were playing parts of the tribes turn their war against the on-lookers because it turns real or something, so I take off with my friends towards Hamilton-Witten. Grandma and Grandpa Spengler show up in Aunt Susan's big SUV; my friends and I jump into the car and Bobby Joe is in his little VW behind us with some more of my friends. Grandma insists that we stop for pie so we do but then the tribes are catching up to us so Grandma, who is driving, peels out of this pie place while Grandpa tells us to hang on. We start driving the wrong way down Main Street (it's one-way), and Bobby's car comes out of nowhere and it's smoking. We can't stop so we hit him and I get out to check on him and he's disappeared; my friends try to get back to the SUV but the tribes have caught up with the stopped car so Grandma tells me to run back to the dorms while she fends up tribal members with a spear. My friends run into Witten where my freshmen boys live and all the lights are off because the whole camus knows that the tribes are out for blood. Bobby just so happens to be in their room with the other friends, and I woke up when the whole dorm was under siege.

Now that I go back and read that it's not scary at all. But it was absolutely terrifying in my dream. Geesh.

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