Thursday, April 12, 2007

"The latest just in!"

I took some of my residents to see ISU's production of West Side Story. The girl who was sitting next to me had never seen it before and wasn't sure really what to expect. When it came to the end...Tony sees Maria after Doc tells him that Chino shot Maria for their love ...they reach for one another...Chino lifts his gun and shoots Tony, and almost simultaneously, the girl next to me screams bloody murder. Everyone laughed and moved on. I couldn't stop laughing. I was crying I was laughing so hard. And as Maria sat with Tony's head in her lap and crying his name, I laughed louder than I would have liked. I laughed the whole way home and I am still laughing.

In other news, I sprained a muscle in my neck while stretching shortly after waking up. So now I am on muscle relaxers and pain killers. Go me. I can move my neck all the way to the left but not much to the right. I received a pamphlet containing instructions to exercise my also has pictures in case I stumble on the words. The muscle relaxers make me feel very groggy. I'm not too happy about this because I have to write a paper for tomorrow and have all that stuff to do this weekend.

But all-in-all, it's been an alright day. I am just in a haze...I'm hoping I will be out by tomorrow afternoon. Ashley went home tonight because one of her best friends from home had a little brother that killed himself on Tuesday morning and her little sister also happened to date him. Sixteen-years-old. Ashley's roommate's uncle is the hospital on the brink of dying. So much death...

All one can do is pray.

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