Friday, December 29, 2006

"Well, I'm here soo, uh..."

Someone I knew from HS was at SnS tonight and asked me how I was. Haha. First, I would like to discuss SnS and then I would like to discuss boys.

Pros and Cons of Working at SnS

1. Being covered in syrup
  • Pro: I have some bonding time with Chewy. He likes to lick me when I come home.
  • Con: I sometimes am so sticky I have to take another shower before going to bed.

2. Late Hours

  • Pro: I was pulling overtime over the summer, which made for much larger checks.
  • Con: Tonight I didn't even get home until 2:50am.

3. Drive-Thru

  • Pro: I get to see people I know and have delightful chitchat with strangers.
  • Con: I get stuck with the nasty people with bad attitudes and messed up orders (which aren't my fault!).

4. Fountain (Desserts and Shakes)

  • Pro: I get free milkshakes and I'm in charge when I work back there.
  • Con: The people I work with are EXTREMELY messy!!!!!!! Then I have to clean up their disaster zone.

5. Crude Remarks From Fellow Employees

  • Pro: I'm not scared of them anymore, and now I just throw them right back. I don't put up with anyone's crap.
  • Con: Now that I dish it back, I get a lot more of said remarks.

Yes, I complain about SnS, but Jesus, who wouldn't? And yet...I love working there. Overall, it's not that bad. Today wasn't spectacular. When I got there, nothing was stocked or thawed or clean, then we were slammed for about three hours straight, and I would like to say that I was training two girls today and was the only one who knew how to do everything. OMG, it was unnerving, but I survived to write this nice entry about my place of employment.

Now for a less pleasant subject for me: boys.

I don't know what the hell is wrong me. How can I date the arrogant a-holes and be mildly interested in nice boys then never really date them? It's true, Nice guys seems to finish last. Not fair but somehow that's the way things work out. I was talking to Wyatt about this last night actually. I feel kind of pressured to "find" a boyfriend, which is ludricrous. But hell, you try being the only female in your entire family (including extended family) who is single. The only girl who is single is Dumpster, but I think that's mainly due to the fact that she's, what--nine? Or Kaylin. And she's six. Not only that but my friends are getting engaged, and Jessie's friends are engaged...and Mom got married when she was 21. Yuck! I'm too young to think about settling down. Arrogant guys don't really think about settling down (haha, because they don't want committment), and the nice guys are totally up for committment which can sometimes be very scary. Someone informed me that I am scared of committment. This is probably true. That's why boyfriends never really last more than a month. I don't want to be one of those women that is completely dependent on their man, emotionally, physically, economically. Why should I look to someone else when I am perfectly capable of doing these things on my own? And being dependent on someone is so scary--what if he lets me down? If I am self-sufficient, there is no let down or settling for subpar. There is only me.

Why do I sound like such a loser when I reread that?


Anonymous said...

I know that just saying "don't worry about finding a boyfriend" isn't really that comforting, but that's what you always told me, and it's a good philosophy to live by :)

And thanks a lot for the comment you left me! I really needed to hear that.


Anonymous said...

You'll find somebody when you find somebody. F*ck it - Brian P.