Wednesday, December 06, 2006

"Here I am sitting in a tin can."

I'm stealing Corrie's "7 Random facts." Except they're probably not so random.

1. I really enjoy sleeping. It's my favorite passtime, which is a little surprisingly because I LOVE being constantly busy. I guess that's why I sleep so well and so long.

2. I have an infinity for photo booths. I don't think you know how many times I've squeezed into one to get my picture taken. Okay, let's face it--I'm just a picture whore in general.

3. I actually enjoy working fast food. Surprise, surprise. I love it. The only downside is the extra grease on your person after working BOH (back of house which is frying, spec. board, burgers) for a shift. I love the fact that I earn my own money--I work for minimum wage, but I earn every penny of it. And knowing that that money is sitting in my bank account makes me happy.

4. I considered Max my closest friend next to Rachel. My heart broke into a million pieces when he died. I can't even bring myself to go to where he was buried for fear of blinding myself with tears. I want a dog here at school so badly, but that won't happen. I have to wait until I get an apartment of my own (five more semesters).

5. I'm a crier. It's true. An epsiode of Full House will sometimes make me well up. I saw an older couple today on the sidewalk, and the husband was holding his wife with both his hands to make sure she didn't slip, which of course made me get teary. I cry during movies, shows, and certain songs.

6. I am all about movement. When I tell stories, I talk with my hands (a lot). I am usually making a funny face or raising an eyebrow. When I laugh, I tilt my head back and let out of the full cackle. I bounce, dance, and frollick, usually for no reason at all.

7. I think that relationships with other people are the most important thing in the world, and I think that's why I have so many (friendships, that is). That bond you make with other people is irreplaceable. You can learn so much from another person, it's astounding.

As far as other news, I found out I passed the Basic Skills test. In case you don't know what it is, let me explain. It's a test every education major has to take so they make sure you know how to do a little bit of everything. And it's the equivalent of the education majors' ACT, except it's graded on a pass/fail scale. I passed...and my scores were good, so I was excited.

PS Yafro is shutting down their site, but I transferred all my pictures over to Orfay, so you can go there. I changed the link on the side ("Pictures").

1 comment:

zena said...

Congrats on passing basic skills test. I'm probably one of a vewy few people who know how important that you.