Monday, December 11, 2006

"In other news this evening."

I don't even remember what I wrote about last time, but that's okay.

I moved into Stephanie's room yesterday. We're still getting everything settled. The funny thing is that it looks like a disaster zone, but it's our disaster zone, so it's all good.

My RA interview went very well on Friday. The interviewees said that I was pretty much guaranteed a job for next semester, but that's what they said last year so I'm not getting my hopes up. I will be finding out about the position on Wednesday...then if I get a position, I'll have to move all of my stuff again. But it'll be worth it. :)

I had two finals today, which both went alright. I have a take-home final that I am working on right now that's due tomorrow, then I have a paper and a final due Thursday. Added to that, I have to work on Wednesday and Friday. Dad and Patty are coming to get me on Friday. I can't wait to be done with this semester. Bleh!

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