Friday, December 15, 2006

"I wanna go home..."

Yeah, it's an actual song. By Michael Buble. Which makes it a million times better!

I've talked to every person in my immediate family this week. Most of them twice or, I think they're happy I'm coming back home. :) Hell, I'm happy to be going back.

I'm sad because I won't be in the same building next semester, but that happens...because I got an RA position for next semester! Yep. I did it. I'll be in Walker 1 South, which is an all-girls dorm with no AC. Yeah, that kind of stinks, but I'm only a block over from Atkin so I will still get to see my friends a lot. And next year all of central campus will be closed because they're tearing them down for a new rec center, which means I'll be moved over to Tri, Southside, or Watterson. Lol, none of you know where I'm talking about, but that's alright.

In other news, my bff Ashley is coming down for New Years and I'm thinking about going up there for a couple of nights. And Mom is taking Rachel and I to Chicago for a day trip (of course, riding the train as tradition tells us to :). I'm thoroughly excited about break, even if it is shorter (I have to be back Jan. 9). I'll be back home after I get off work at BK around 6. Possibly my last shift at Burger King. That kinda makes me sad. :-*(

But anyway, until then, have a delightful time. Everyone deserves some amazing fun. :)

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