Sunday, January 07, 2007

"Oh, my virgin ears!"

Says the boy with the sailor's mouth. Just because a curse word slips every now and then does not make me a devilish fiend with no morals. :) But I think he knows that. Mom says that I've lost my manners since I've gone to school. Is that because I am uncouth or I have become more comfortable with my belching and cursing? Just because I am not prim and proper like it's tea and crumpet time does not necessarily mean that I am without manners. Does it?

Tonight was my last night at SnS until May. Although I was a little saddened upon arrival, I soon realized that I won't be missing the fountain (which is where they stuck me yet again tonight). My arm has been aching a little too much lately. I think this is mainly due to the whole ice cream scooping. Meh.

I've been kind of grouchy the past few days, so I apologize if you've met with any of my unjustified wrath. I honestly don't want to go back this week...I kind of want to wait until everyone else comes back instead of being one of four girls in our entire dorm. This whole experience is going to be...different. Wow, could I say a more ridiculously obvious statement? Haha. I hope everything works out. I'm actually rather nervous. But I figure that I usually am when I start a new job but then I get comfortable with my surroundings and everything is well in the land of Sarah.

In other news, I will be 20 in 24 days. No longer a teenager, thank you very much. It is so scary. Because I won't be able to hide behind the fact that I am a teenager when I do something irresponsible or immature. Because I am only one year away from being legally able to drink. Because I am one step closer to my life on my own as adult (i.e. paying my own rent and holding a teaching position). OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Can you imagine me in front of class of high schoolers trying to explain to them who John Calvin was or explain the society of the Cold War Soviet Union? It is difficult for me to picture, but I know that I'll be doing it. It won't be too long now either... I am almost 20!

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