Monday, April 03, 2006

"How's my favorite munchkin today?"

The first picture is of me "raping" Mallory before the drag show. The second picture is from our geology fieldtrip on Saturday morning--I was the muddiest kid there is due to my clumsiness. And the last picture is from the dance we went to Saturday night (Animation Sensation--dress up like a cartoon character).

This past weekend was absolutely amazing. And this upcomgin week is going to be super crazy. I had a test today, one tomorrow, two papers and a project due Wednesday and some other things due later in the week that I can't even remember right now.

We watched a documentary tonight on the children who live in Uganda that have to commute to the cities at night to keep from being abducted by the rebels there. If they are abducted, they are trained to fight and kill government workers and anyone protesting their cause. I cried, I'm not going to lie.

Friday night some of my band geeks from home are coming up and one of Steph's friends is coming up, too, then her two best friends from home will be here Saturday through Monday since they have spring break. Saturday I am volunteering at this thing called Intersection all day long--I'm supposed to be going to a veterans' retirement center for the day. Sunday I have this banquet thing I have to attend and we get to dress up, so that's always exciting. I love it when I have an excuse to wear a skirt and some heels.

I went through and kind of scheduled out the rest of the semester at the end of last week, and it looks like we're crazy busy over here until the end of the semester. I'm coming home for Easter and the jazz band dance, and I'm going home with Heather to her jazz dance the week after Easter. Prom? I would really like to be home to see Rachel all dressed up and ready to go. I'd love to do her hair and nails and do all that girlie stuff, but that would mean I would be home three weekends out of the last four before the end of the semester. Do I really want to do that? Oh, dilemma, you. This is a really big deal and I don't want to miss it. Any word on her date yet? Has she asked anyone?

Anywho, enough blogging for the day. I want to apologize for my lack of every day blogging, but I'm not all that sorry, lol. It's been too busy around here...and it's a good thing that blogging isn't the first thing on my mind when I get to my computer.

PS My friend Ashley is coming home with me for Easter weekend. She isn't going home, and there is no point in her staying here all by herself. 'Night, folks.

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