Thursday, April 20, 2006

"Do you like good music? (Yeah, yeah.)"

I love the oldies station. They're always playing it in the tennis court so whenever I walk back from class I get to hear some great music, which puts a huge smile on my face.

You know what else makes me smiles? Orange soda. Yummy stuff that.

This week has been both good and bad...yesterday was especially up and down. I had a really great lunch wiht Jason and some kids from Encounter that just happened to show up. Classes weren't that bad. I had to do something I knew would hurt a lot, I don't even want to talk about. Band was strange--the boys were fascinated with my monkey earrings (thanks, Mom) and tried to play with them continuously. Patty said Bobby is friends with the manager at Chili's in Springfield and he can get me a job as either a waitress or a cook. Oh, and I got an email from Micah--he's a senior that is student teaching over in South Dakota. I met him at the church group I attended last semester...and I got an invitation to go to his graduation party right after finals, so I'm going to go.

*shrug* What can you do? I have to go to psych now. Not completely thrilled or anything, but I have to go.

PS I just realized that my band concert is a week from today. Hope some of you can come. :)

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