Thursday, April 27, 2006

"For a song..."

Today was another great day. But I came home from game night and I somehow just got really sad. More pointedly, emo. I hate that. I know why, too, but I won't go into because my male readers would not be interested at all, lol.

Mom, Greg, and Rachel are coming to my band concert tomorrow night, and I am absolutely thrilled. You have no idea. :D And Mom and Jessie have both updated within the last couple of days, so I'm proud of them. I haven't talked to either one of you in a long while...I'm sorry about that.

I'm feeling particularly guilty right now, mainly because I am so frustrated. I have no reason to be really, yet the stress of our impending finals, amongst some other things, is getting to me a little. Sleep seems to be some precious gift sent from heaven. I've been so busy doing this and that. Something I both like and dislike about myself--I always seem to make time for people here. My friends call from home, I hang out with whomever asks (almost). Accomodation is in itself slightly stressful. Me typing that sounded selfish in my head and therefore makes me feel even guiltier. So I think I'm going to try to get some sleep now. I just finished some homework, and it's not 1:52. Boo.

I can't wait for this summer.

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