Sunday, April 30, 2006

"The submarine had screen doors? Wouldn't you sink with a screen door?"

I feel like I need to update but at the same time I don't. Lol, I love how I always feel like that now.

I will be home on May 11. What time, I have no idea. I don't know if Dad is coming up Sunday when I come back from prom to get my big stuff or if he's coming up that Thursday. Guess it just depends.

Stephanie and I were talking last night about next year. She was telling me how much she's going to miss me, to which I replied, "I'll just be done one floor--we will see each other all the time." "Yeah, but that's not the same as being my roommate." True that. Mallory and I were discussing room layout for next year--our room will be longer than the one I have now and slightly narrower. I'm getting a loft so we can put the TV and fridges underneath my bed. I had passages training on Saturday, which is the opening weekend for the freshmen. I'm moving back onto campus August 16. Yep.

I'm trying to get the final projects pulled together and start studying. What else am I doing this week? Tonight I am going to Scott's last choir concert. Wednesday I am going to a Yellowcard concert in Champaign for free (my friend Kathy's dad got her some tickets since he works at the car dealership that is sponsoring the show). We're going to the soundcheck, too, which is exciting. Rachel mentioned coming up Friday night...and Saturday is Springfield's prom so I am going home that morning to get ready. I'll be back Sunday night, and then I have one final Monday and three Wednesday. Busy next couple of weeks. I'm super excited.

Have a great time this Sunday evening.

Friday, April 28, 2006

"That Beethoven Machine piece weirded me out a little."

The concert went really well...and Shelley is put away until the first rehearsal of U Band next year--if I take it. It was a lot of fun...and I'm really glad Mom, Greg, and Rachel came. :) I appreciate the support. So the pictures are of my section...again, I'll post most of them on yafro, so you can check them out there. Anyway, hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

"For a song..."

Today was another great day. But I came home from game night and I somehow just got really sad. More pointedly, emo. I hate that. I know why, too, but I won't go into because my male readers would not be interested at all, lol.

Mom, Greg, and Rachel are coming to my band concert tomorrow night, and I am absolutely thrilled. You have no idea. :D And Mom and Jessie have both updated within the last couple of days, so I'm proud of them. I haven't talked to either one of you in a long while...I'm sorry about that.

I'm feeling particularly guilty right now, mainly because I am so frustrated. I have no reason to be really, yet the stress of our impending finals, amongst some other things, is getting to me a little. Sleep seems to be some precious gift sent from heaven. I've been so busy doing this and that. Something I both like and dislike about myself--I always seem to make time for people here. My friends call from home, I hang out with whomever asks (almost). Accomodation is in itself slightly stressful. Me typing that sounded selfish in my head and therefore makes me feel even guiltier. So I think I'm going to try to get some sleep now. I just finished some homework, and it's not 1:52. Boo.

I can't wait for this summer.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

"You think whatever you want to."

Today has been one of those nothing-can-get-me-down kind of days. I woke up with a smile on my face, went to both of my classes. Ate some muffin tops (the best cereal ever made). I talked to both Aunt Mae and Wheaton today. I missed them and felt the need to call. I just ate my last Cadbury Creme Egg. I'm currently listening to Alice in Chains...and it's rather gloomy outside. I am so happy I could bust.

The weekend in La Salle was a lot of fun. It was extremely relaxing. And Heather's parents adopted us, unofficially, of course. Who wouldn't want to adopt some girlies like Kathy and myself?

Go check out the rest of the pictures at

Friday, April 21, 2006

"What makes you think I don't miss you already?"

Geeze. Yesterday we played frisbee out on the quad. And sang. Rob brought his guitar so he strummed while the rest of us got out some sort of tune. It was all rather excellent. Then I had dinner at McAlister's which always makes my night better. ;) We made a disgusting food creation I thought Niki and Corrie might enjoy.

Today I have to turn in my English paper which I finished earlier last night and take my geology test at 2. I studied for a couple of hours last night, and I'm leaving lunch a little early to study some more while I finish up packing. And yes, I am actually leaving the campus for the weekend! I'm going up to La Salle with Heather and Kathy...we're going to go to Heather's high school's jazz dance. Similiar to our jazz dance apparently. I am thoroughly excited about it, too. We have to leave right after I get out of my test to make sure we have plenty of time to get up there--the dance is tonight. We're getting all purdied up at Heather's place, and I'll make sure to take plenty of pictures. :) Tomorrow we're going to putz around town and not do a whole lot, which sounds really good to me.

Anyway, I don't think I have much else to say, so I will be just leave it at that.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

"Do you like good music? (Yeah, yeah.)"

I love the oldies station. They're always playing it in the tennis court so whenever I walk back from class I get to hear some great music, which puts a huge smile on my face.

You know what else makes me smiles? Orange soda. Yummy stuff that.

This week has been both good and bad...yesterday was especially up and down. I had a really great lunch wiht Jason and some kids from Encounter that just happened to show up. Classes weren't that bad. I had to do something I knew would hurt a lot, I don't even want to talk about. Band was strange--the boys were fascinated with my monkey earrings (thanks, Mom) and tried to play with them continuously. Patty said Bobby is friends with the manager at Chili's in Springfield and he can get me a job as either a waitress or a cook. Oh, and I got an email from Micah--he's a senior that is student teaching over in South Dakota. I met him at the church group I attended last semester...and I got an invitation to go to his graduation party right after finals, so I'm going to go.

*shrug* What can you do? I have to go to psych now. Not completely thrilled or anything, but I have to go.

PS I just realized that my band concert is a week from today. Hope some of you can come. :)

Monday, April 17, 2006

"Walk much?"

Some pictures from home. Easter weekend was extremely...hectic. No one else probably thought so, but it seemed rather eventful in my little corner of the world. I got to see everyone except Jessie, which sucks, but what can you do?

I have so much running through my mind right now...a billion things a minute. I'm not liking it all that much, but there's not much to do about it. Instead I sit here, chatting away aimlessly to some of my friends while I think. And really I need to study for my math quiz I have tomorrow, so I think I'm off to do that. G'night, folks. Hope you had a Happy Easter!

Friday, April 14, 2006

"No, you rock."

Anyway. I'm sitting here listening to some Gorillaz and waiting for my kids to get out of English. It started to storm so Devona let us go early so as to avoid a good soaking. I was let out of my history class early, too. The professors are just as much ready to get out of here as we are.

I have like half a pint of Ben & Jerry's left in Steph's freezer left over from last night. We went to see Take the Lead and got some ice cream over at Chatter's afterwards. Oh, ice cream, how I love thee.

After lunch I have to shower and pack...and since I'll have about five hours to do that, I'm also going to do my nails and watch a movie. It'll be a good time.

I'm really excited about this weekend. I haven't seen Mom or Rachel in ages. I'll get some real food. I kind of want to go to Cozy Dog, too. Guess we'll have to see about that one, though. At any rate, I'm off to get some lunch with the usual folk. Have a good weekend, everyone! :)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

"Poor baby..."

The past week has been extremely crazy. Friday night Bruce, Brian, and Kevin came up from home to visit then Jake was up here Saturday along with two of Stephanie's friends from home. Saturday I spent the entire day at this thing called Intersection. It basically entailed my group going to a nursing home and spending time with some of the veterans there. It was a lot of fun...I'm thinking about going back sometime to check the people we visited. Sunday was the Encounter banquet, which is what the pictures are from. It turned out fantastically and everyone had a really good time, too. Today was extremely sick. I could hardly get out of bed--I almost passed out every time I even tried to sit up. Showering was a most difficult task. And I had an extremely difficult time going downstairs to get some food for dinner. I hadn't eaten since I had been sleeping off-and-on all day. Now that I've taken some medicine and ate some food I feel much better.

The pictures are from the banquet. The first one is with Scott. The second one is with Mallory, whom I will be rooming with next year, and the last one is some of the Oswego kids I hang out with--Mallory, Jason, and Ashley.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

"Mmm, chocolate?"

I smell like Scott. It's not just one of those lingering smells. I think I hugged him too much because it's about all I can smell. He is happy. I love that.

And I am listening to Jason's CD. He plays guitar and sings.

And the chocolate.

I feel truly at home right now. I love it.

Smell the hoodie, listen to the beat, and eat some chocolate. My little slice of ISU heaven.

Monday, April 03, 2006

"How's my favorite munchkin today?"

The first picture is of me "raping" Mallory before the drag show. The second picture is from our geology fieldtrip on Saturday morning--I was the muddiest kid there is due to my clumsiness. And the last picture is from the dance we went to Saturday night (Animation Sensation--dress up like a cartoon character).

This past weekend was absolutely amazing. And this upcomgin week is going to be super crazy. I had a test today, one tomorrow, two papers and a project due Wednesday and some other things due later in the week that I can't even remember right now.

We watched a documentary tonight on the children who live in Uganda that have to commute to the cities at night to keep from being abducted by the rebels there. If they are abducted, they are trained to fight and kill government workers and anyone protesting their cause. I cried, I'm not going to lie.

Friday night some of my band geeks from home are coming up and one of Steph's friends is coming up, too, then her two best friends from home will be here Saturday through Monday since they have spring break. Saturday I am volunteering at this thing called Intersection all day long--I'm supposed to be going to a veterans' retirement center for the day. Sunday I have this banquet thing I have to attend and we get to dress up, so that's always exciting. I love it when I have an excuse to wear a skirt and some heels.

I went through and kind of scheduled out the rest of the semester at the end of last week, and it looks like we're crazy busy over here until the end of the semester. I'm coming home for Easter and the jazz band dance, and I'm going home with Heather to her jazz dance the week after Easter. Prom? I would really like to be home to see Rachel all dressed up and ready to go. I'd love to do her hair and nails and do all that girlie stuff, but that would mean I would be home three weekends out of the last four before the end of the semester. Do I really want to do that? Oh, dilemma, you. This is a really big deal and I don't want to miss it. Any word on her date yet? Has she asked anyone?

Anywho, enough blogging for the day. I want to apologize for my lack of every day blogging, but I'm not all that sorry, lol. It's been too busy around here...and it's a good thing that blogging isn't the first thing on my mind when I get to my computer.

PS My friend Ashley is coming home with me for Easter weekend. She isn't going home, and there is no point in her staying here all by herself. 'Night, folks.
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