Sunday, April 08, 2007

"Would you go with me if we rolled down streets of fire?"

I am in love with Josh Turner's voice. Have I mentioned how much I love a good baritone/bass? Lord, take me now...

When I listen to this song late at night, I have peace. It makes me feel like my life is falling into place, there's hope still there. "I love you so, so would you go with me?" Makes me wish I had brought a guitar with me...I want to learn so badly but Miss Sarah doesn't seem to make time for anything that is outside her little schedule.

My prom dress is in the closet and it's taking up a large amount of space. But it makes me happy--I'm going to prom again next weekend. Ashley is my should be a lot of fun. It's going to be one crazy weekend with Relay For Life, Intersection, and prom. I had to request it off so I'm going to stay at Ashley's, something I can never do because of curfew.

I had such a fabulous weekend. Late night Friday was a little awkward, but I'm good. We dyed Easter eggs, had a delicious Easter ham, went to a boring church service, shopped, saw a movie, slept on the way back up here.

I did have one major downside to the weekend, though. I had a friend/acquaintence that died from complications of a car accident he was in Friday. Ryan Landers was a great guy that I wish I had known better. I am friends with his significant other, and I want to say something to console her but I have no idea how. Poor Lynlea...she is fantastic and I just hope that knowing that she has friends surrounding her who love and miss Ryan, too, will be of some comfort. She has so many people telling her that they are there for her, and although that might make her feel a little better, nothing is going to spare her the pain...I just want to give her a bear hug and a kiss on the head. That's all I could really offer her. God bless, Ryan.

-EDIT 1:07am-

I'm not going to gossip and mention a bunch of names, but I have to talk about this. One of my closest friends is with this guy that walks all over her and I've never liked him. I've made it clear that is the case but I've tolerated because she loves him. Well, he "sort of" broke up with her this week and now he's changed his mind or something along those lines...I don't think anyone realizes how angry this whole situation makes me...except for maybe her. I laid it all out for her tonight. I didn't say "me or him," just that if she starts dating him again that I will not be happy. But being her best friend means being there for her no matter what her decision.

Let me say this for clarification: I hate boys.


JD said...

I concur. They F everything up.

Brian P. "Petey Pablo" said...

Oh whatever. I've dealt with plenty of shady females.