Sunday, April 15, 2007

"Okay, Oscar the Grouch..."

Yeah, I'm grumpy.

This weekend was pretty amazing. Relay for Life was simply amazing. I was really worn out by the end, but it's all good. I only made it until 3:30 when I called it quits...they shut the whole thing down at 5 because it had been raining. The muscle relaxers make me more tired than I should be. The whole slew of us made over $144,000, which is just...mind-blowing. I slept all of yesterday and went to Spring Formal last night. I danced my heart out, got laughed at, but enjoyed myself immensely. I have pictures up on facebook and myspace--it'll take me a little bit to get pictures up on photobucket.

Ashley is back from home. I haven't seen her yet. Which makes me very sad.


I have been finding fault in people a lot today. What makes me angry the most is that I tend to share those faults...I have the same insecurities. I guess it's good that I can recognize the hypocrisy of it all.


Brian P. "Petey Pablo" said...

Muscle relaxers are awesome. Some of the best sleep I ever had, was when I was on those.

JD said...

Will just twinged something in his neck, too. He is quite bothered you got muscle relaxers and he only got physical therapy.