Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"I heard the news today. Oh, boy."

I couldn't sleep so I got online to check my email, amongst other things.

Facebook is amazing because everyone knows my birthday and I don't have to say anything. It's nice that it's only 2:08am and I've had more than ten "Happy Birthdays" already. Makes the head swell a little. Oh, and Brian--did you notice that you said "Happy Birthday" right at midnight? That was a little weird.

I have received two e-cards via email. I felt special. Here is me bragging. XD One of them was from Marlisa and then there was an anonymous one that had the Beatles singing their birthday medley; I was impressed that someone remembered I like the Beatles so very much. It said,

"For the birthday girl on her special day
Her smile is a blessing in each and every way
She gives the most amazing hugs
And she is a little scared of bugs
But I still love her because she laughs
At every little thing she can

Love, Anonymous."

Pretty sweet, yes? Yes. This is an excellent way to start off the day. Go happiness. Yeah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, yeah I did that on purpose.
I thought that was kinda cool.