Thursday, February 01, 2007

"You look like a grown up."

I'm sure you all want to hear about my day, right? I went to all three of my classes, took two naps, ate some junky lunch.

I got all purdied up and Ashley surprised me with dinner at our friend Becca's apartment. My Scotty had cooked just about all of it. And for presents, I got laundry detergent which I asked for and a cocoanut. Let me tell you that it was major source of entertainment. It said it was Easy Open, but it lied! I poked a hole in it and drained all the milk but I couldn't crack it open for the life of me. So I took it outside and threw it on the ground as hard as I could with everyone from the little party watching, it smashed into a million pieces. So cool!!!!! I saved two large pieces to make a cocoanut bra for Sunday. I'm going to make a "DA BEARS" shirt and find a brass skirt so every time the Bears score a touchdown I can do the DA BEARS dance from the SNL skit. It's going to be amazing...I'm having a little superbowl party in my room.

Went to band and was bored out of my mind, so we t-boners ended up texting each other even though we were sitting next to one another. Waste of money, lol. So after band, four out of the six of us (oh, yes, the other girl dropped so I am yet again the only girl--sahweet!) went to Baker's Square to celebrate. Dan's birthday was the day before mine so it was a double whammy. We spent over an hour there...I feel like I really got to know them, and that makes me so very happy. Oh, and our grad student bought my brownie a la mode because he is fantastic. :) The best part of the Bakers Square event was that Gabe looked at me and said, "You look like a grown up now. I think it's your hair or something." Somehow that was a little liberating.

Thank you, everyone! I got a lot of facebook messages, texts, phone calls, cards. I didn't even remember Mom and Rachel had called me until I checked my phone log later. Seriously, guys--pick a new time! 7:00 is really early.

In other news, Kristen Osburn is coming up for the weekend and Cathy Yu is thinking coming now, too. The birthday festivities will be spilling into this weekend, which is cool. I talked to Jessie and she said that we should go to Ireland in the somewhat future (that is one of her best ideas I've heard in a long time ;). Dad and Patty are coming up Saturday night to feed my face. Exciting.

And if you're wondering why I am updating so late, it's because my sleep schedule is messed up. If I go to bed now, I will just lay there so instead I am being productive. Like right now for instance, I am informing all of you of birthday activites and soon I will be going to the bathroom to tape things up in the stall to make them look nicer. Yep. Our stalls are bleh--it's a girls' bathroom, it should be cooler than it is.


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