Sunday, January 14, 2007

"I'm tired of boys wanting me only for my body..."

"...and I'm tired of boys not wanting me because of my body." This was said during a conversation with Ashley last night. And I don't think either one of us stopped laughing for about five minutes.

I'm sorry that I haven't really updated. I am sure all of you want to hear about my riveting week of RA training...but let's face it--it wasn't all that exciting. I did make a hell of a lot of new friends, which is fantastic. I have been very busy, that's for sure. After group training, we'd have training with just our part of campus and our dorm. I was one of three newbies for Walker Hall, one of five from central campus (Walker and Dunn-Barton), one of about thirty from the whole campus. Mallory and Scott are both new RAs over in Watterson. Oh, yeah, and my buddy Frannie was on rounds and they had a pot bust over at Southside, haha.

My weekend has consisted of sleeping in and working on decorations for my floor. I got the door decs done on Thursday, and I finished two of my three bulletin boards yesterday then started my third. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to put up on my last board. I think it's just going to be an activity calender for the rest of January. Oh, and Anna came over last night and helped me color the floor meeting signs (first on is on Wednesday night!).

And I send out a thank you to all of you who have been calling me. I appreciate it! :)

1 comment:

JD said...

Call me if you ever get stuck for bulliten board ideas, door decs., etc. I have a few things up my sleeve :) Apparently, Mizzou's res. life program is a model for many others. I could make you a res life superstar!