Sunday, December 17, 2006

"This is pathetic!"

So I have talked to Ashley every single day since we've been apart. Is that pathetic? I miss her a lot. She is my plutonic female equivalent to a boyfriend, lol. Matt calls me his female heterosexual plutonic life partner, so I guess that makes me Ashley's female heterosexual plutonic counterpart as well.

Is it weird that I am such good friends with more than one person? I've got five or six of them. I don't think so--the more the merrier is a great philosophy.

Tonight was not all that pleasant. Rachel cried a lot, but what else is new. I cried with her some, but again, what else is new. You know what? I hate money. With a passion. I wish the world could revolve on something else besides money. Because it causes too many problems. This world is filled with too many realistic people and not enough dreamers. There needs to be a healthy balance, and I think too many of those around me are just too realistic.

On that note, I would like to say that Ashley's family has invited me to go to Ireland with them over our spring break. All I would have to pay for is air fare. What do you think? Patty said no, Dad didn't say anything, and no matter what anyone says, I have decided that I am going. Yes, it's a nice hunk of money I won't have anymore...but hello! Jessie has already been to Europe twice, due to our giving family. I've been once, but this is a good opportunity for me. I won't be paying for food or a place to stay, and I would be going with one of my best friends. I wouldn't be able to go if I hadn't gotten this RA position this semester, either, but I why shouldn't I go? Yes, I would make more money staying at home and working at SnS, and I will be doing that all of next summer. HOLY HELL, IT'S IRELAND WE'RE TALKING ABOUT! And the coolest part about it is that we'll be hanging out with Ashley's family. Her aunts, uncles, cousins.

Seriously, this week has been fabulous. I lived through one of the most stressful weeks of my life and managed to have a lot of fun through it. I got my RA position. Rachel got into MIT. And now I have the opportunity to go to Ireland for a reasonable price with one of my favorite people. I am so blessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats :)

(Tell Rachel congrats, too!)
