Tuesday, August 22, 2006

"Hey, love, I'm not leaving here."

Listening to the Dog & Everything. I went to one of their shows last year--not too shabby.

I've started to feel much better since my last depressing entry. Things have been going all right. Today was amazing because I only had one class, had lunch with a buttload of people I hadn't seen in forever, and I managed to highlight my hair. Although some people (i.e. Mom) probably won't like it, I do. So it's all good. On a rather dispicable note, I paid over $600 for my books this semester. Ouch, ouch, ouch!!!!

Last night we (Scott, Mallory, Ashley, Erica, and I) went to a Mexican Fiesta, which consisted of a lot of people from our church group in a tiny apartment with a lot of Mexican food. We had a lot of fun and even pooped out early to go home and watch some Sex and the City before hitting the hay. I think Mal is going to be an excellent influence on my sleeping habits. I've managed to get some 8ish hours a night of sleep. Go us, right? Tonight, we're going to church--actually, we leave in about fifteen minutes. It'll be the first time I've been to church since the last time I went to Encounter back in the beginning of May. Exciting, eh?

On a side note, I am ecstatic about the freshmen buddies I have made in the past week. Working Passages was a really good idea. I see the froshies all across campus. Quite a few girls live on Southside so I seem them a lot. Anyway, I need to go primp. Later, dudes.

1 comment:

zena said...

Post a pic of your hair.