Sunday, August 27, 2006

"You can't marry someone until you can fart in front of them."

Great line.

This weekend was both good and bad. We watched a lot of Sex in the City. My cold won't go away...the conjestion has gotten better but the cough worse. I spent a lot of time in the room because I wasn't in the mood to really go out. Both nights I stayed up later than I should have and got several unwanted phonecalls and texts. I counted the text messages I recieved from Friday night and Saturday night...somewhere around 70. That's a hell of a lot of texts. And to make a long story short, nothing changed. I hate guys sometimes. I have some more homework to finish tonight before I head to bed, so I'm going to get crackin' on that.

Oh, and I'm coming home Thursday night. Thursday through Sunday. Mom, I don't need a ride, but thanks for the offer. :) Have a delightful evening, kiddies.

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