Tuesday, August 29, 2006

"Free stuff? WHERE?"

A college kid's dream? A carnival where you can get free food, toys, and T-shirts. Oh, yes.

Me being sick has been like riding a roller coaster. I was getting better then last night I ended up getting an almost migraine and then puking. Every time I get the worst headaches I end up getting sick. Not fair. I am still trying to take it easy and going to bed fairly early. My cough is just gross. Yuck.

Anywho, Mallory and I are currently chilling in the room, listening to the Rent soundtrack, and we decided that Rosario Dawson sounds better than the Mimi on broadway because she lacks the major vibrato.

I got a couple of presents for Mom this week and am thoroughly excited about them. And per her request, I added a few pictures of my hair so you can kind of see it. I'm sorry they aren't great, but you'll all see it within the next few days. I promise it won't look any different.

1 comment:

zena said...

I like your hair (I think). Will have to see it in person.

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Would you like to stay at my house?