Sunday, August 20, 2006


I want to start this giant mosh pit. Break my nose, bleed a lot, smash my arms and legs against other angry people. Feel some pain. See other people that are angry, too. Only the first week of school. I am already frustrated. I am fed up with one person in particular.

Rachel left earlier and already I miss her. I want to cry I miss her that much. And I am sure my anger is accentuating the fact that I miss my little sister. I wish my best friend could be here all the time. I wish she could just show up whenever the hell she felt like it. But Miss Rachel has her own life now, which only slightly merges with mine. Poor kid. I don't think she realizes how much I love her.

And me listening to emo music and looking through pictures doesn't help. I am tired and frustrated and angry. All I want to do is curl up in a ball and wonder what my chemical imbalance is. No, emo. Bad, emo! I wish I had Billie up here so I could go drive around for a while. Or a Bekki to talk to. I miss her, too. I hate bad days.

Oh, yeah, and to top it all off, I have this humongous red bump on the right shoulder blade. I have no idea if it's a bite or not. It's big. And red. But not itchy or getting any larger. It's gross, that's what it is.

And I miss Max. Not even an hour before I left home I sat down and cried with my Maxwell. My attachment to that dog is very similar to the way I feel about Rachel. He doesn't look good. In fact, he looks miserable. I told him how much I loved him and how much I would miss him. How happy he makes me. How I adore him. I wish he knew what I was talking about. I could tell he knew I was leaving home. He sat and watched me pack.

Well, you can pretty much ignore this whole entry. It's me complaining about being homesick. I'm frustrated and angry, mainly just because I miss being at home. I am almost 20-years-old, and I still miss my sisters, parents, and pets. And my friends. :) I hate it. A whole bunch. I'll be home in two weeks. And I am excited.

God, I feel pathetic.

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