Wednesday, March 29, 2006

"You're LAME!"

I heart the roommate.

Sorry, I haven't really felt like blogging much. There has been quite a bit to do.

Went back to the doctor on Monday, and she said that she doesn't think it's mono but a viral infection. So now I'm on all kind of cough suppressants (sp?). I am feeling a heck of a lot better, so I'm really glad about that. I'm caught up on all my notes now and I've been making it to all my classes. Good as gold.

I'm coming home for Easter, unlike some of my friends (weird, huh?). And the jazz band dance. So I'll be back in three weeks then again in six weeks. I'm done with finals the following week, though I'm not sure of what specific day.

My side of the room today was extremely messy, so I just cleaned it up. It's the first time I've gone all day without making my bed. Making my bed is the first thing I do when I crawl out...anal, really.

Eistir is coming up tomorrow. I was so excited when I found out I almost peed my pants. The reason she is coming kind of sucks...but I'm hoping, hoping, hoping I'll get to spend some time with her. God, I miss that girl.


Anonymous said...

I can't come to the jazz band dance... I have a concert that night at 7:30.... and I'm upset about it. rar

Lou said...

Bummer! That stinks. We will be missing you a helluvalot.