Tuesday, March 07, 2006

"You could kill someone with that thing!!"

I broke out my license plate purse just for kicks. I dislike carrying around my bookbag so I always carry my larger purses so I can stick in my books and notebooks. Which means no one ever sees my large stash of purses hidden underneath my bed. That purse is a block of metal (obviously) and could do some damage if someone decided to attack me on campus (which is unlikely).

Today is going waaaay better than yesterday. I finished off one of my papers last night and am almost done with my second. I just took my math test--first person to turn it in. I was unsure about one of the questions, but I figured it out after about five minutes of silent debate in my head. Another A on a math test? I might be able to accept that. ;)

I burned a CD for my friend Jason last night, too. I was extremely excited about it. I'm still not quite sure of everything he is into, but I know his favorite music is Christian stuff so I made him a Christian mix and threw in a random Spice Girls song. Muahaha. He won't know what hit him. And this is how I get my kicks, folks.

The rest of the day is looking like fun. I have psych class until 1:50 then I am escorting Mallory to the mall where I will watch her shop since I don't want to spend any money. Then we'll probably go get something to eat (I'm thinking some Chinese over at Watterson. Or maybe Chic-Fil-A.). Scott's concert is at 7:00 then we have Encounter at 9:00.

Oh, yeah, and we finished the only season of Freaks and Geeks last night. I will be eternally sad because there is no closure whatsoever. I am in love with Jason Segel, it's been decided. *sigh*

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