Sunday, March 05, 2006

"'O' is for the only one I see."

Oh, Nat King Cole is such the swooner and crooner type. *sigh* I find myself sometimes spacing out when I man is singing. Well, not really "spacing out," it's more like daydreaming. I can't help it. Speaking of singing, Scott has a choir tonight at 7:00, so I'm going for moral support. Plus the concert choir is, well, awesome. I'm going by myself because I cannot get a hold of the kids I would normally go with, and even Jason isn't feeling well. I would ask Paul but he would get the wrong impression and he would talk through most of the concert anyway, telling me how boring it is. I hate when people do that. Just sit back and appreciate the music, even if it isn't all that superior.

This weekend has been very relaxing. Friday I watched a heck of a whole lot of Gilmore Girls (finished up the third season) then went to the Harry Potter 10:00 showing where Scott met me with some of his friends. Yesterday I didn't end up waking until nearly 2:00, so I then did my normal waking-up routine until I went over to Kathy and Katie's for dinner. Had dinner then went back to her place for some movies and the such. We had an excellent time. ;) And I didn't want to back by myself around 1:30 in the morning, so I called Paul to walk me back to the dorm where Brian met us. Yes, Brian. Long story that I don't necessarily wish to get into. All I know is that I passed out around 2:30 and woke up around 5:00 or so because it was absolutely freezing (the window was open). To my disgust, everything was WHITE. The ground, the roads, the trees, the sky completely filled with snow. Luckily, a good portion of it has melted already, but it's extremely disheartening with all the good weather we've had for the past week. And today? Has been a whole lot of nothing. Watched TV, movies, did a little bit of homework. Tonight after the concert I am doing the usual Sunday thing--watching Grey's Anatomy in Ashley's room. It'll be fun like normal.

Anyway, spring break starts on Friday, but if things work out all right, I might be going home Thursday night after my lab. That's only if I finish my English project by Wednesday night. I kind of doubt that happening, though. We'll just have to see how things go this week. :) But I'm really excited.

1 comment:

JD said...

Call me if you think you can come visit.