Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"Well, it's a fabulous day for a moon dance with the stars up above."

Go Michael Buble. Any man that would sing to me like that could have my heart instaneously. Swooners=fantabulous.

This week has been extremely laid-back. Extremely. I've been very tired and not feeling so hot, which became even worse this morning. I couldn't get myself out of bed until 9:45 so I could make it to English. My throat hurts and my voice is raspy. And I also have had a few signs pop up that I won't discuss because it's gross, mainly involving mucus. ;) So I think I'm coming down with something--hoping it's not whatever Mom had. But everyone here seems to be sick, too, so I'll probably never know where it came from.

I am just so tired.

And I have a geology test Friday. Boo.

This weekend promises to be a lot of fun, though. Friday night we're seeing the UPB showing of Brokeback Mountain and having a mini-party over at Tri. Saturday, I'm sleeping in then we're making the white chocolate-covered pretzels and having another movie night probably at Watterson. Jason's roommate's girlfriend is coming from the U of I for the weekend, and Richard basically kicked him out of the room for the weekend, which doesn't seem all that great. So we get Jason for the weekend. We have to watch Hercules because Encounter is having an Animated party next weekend...that means we get dressed up like a cartoon, and a group of us are going as the Muses, so we need to study them to see how they dress and do their hair.

All right, I'm off. I'm going to take a very short nap before geology. I am just so freaking tired. 'Night, folks.

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