Sunday, March 05, 2006

"I'll show you smiley face! :)"

Okay, so I am here to announce that I found Mr. Welch's myspace. Yes, folks, you hear me correctly!!! How funny is that? Flippin' amazing. I had to tell Brett Manning immediately, I bet she'll be uber excited to see that.

Scott's concert went really, really well. Like I said, they are fantastic. Apparently, he has another on Tuesday night so I will be there in attendance as well. He looks good in a tux. Mental note: make sure to take picture. They sung the finale song from HMS Pinafore. That brought back a lot of memories. It almost made me miss high school. ;)

My hair is pretty big tonight, and I am rather enjoying it. Off to read my history. Wish me luck on my quiz.


Anonymous said...

I think that would be scary to read.

JD said...

I wanna read it. send me the link.