Friday, January 19, 2007

"I used the stick because I couldn't reach him."

So my room was covered in girls to watch Grey's Anatomy. I was pretty damn excited. We had bonding time. :)

My week is going well. Yesterday I was feeling a little down in the dumps, but today was a heck of a lot better. I felt a little uplifted, like something was pushing me along telling me everything was okay dokay. I like those days. A lot.

Today I was walking back from class with a friend, and I was kinda whining about how I didn't feel good and I was tired and things of those nature. I called myself on it, too. I didn't sound grumpy or tired or sick. Why do I always sound so perky? It's disgusting. I've noticed it has been getting worse...and not only that but I am becoming more and more a space cadet. I will trail off mid-sentence then forget what I was talking about. I will walk past a person who says HI and it won't even register until I have walked five feet past them. I get very easily distracted by the TV or a song--I will be dressing and completely forget what I was doing because Will Ferrell pops onto Comedy Central or an '80s song pops up on my playlist and I will start to dance around the room. It's distracting--I feel like I should diagnose myself with ADD but I know that that would be an incorrect diagnoses. And I will get too excited about what I am talking about and it all comes out as word vomit. A large garbled mess. And I get confused when more than one person is trying to talk to me...I'll forget what I am trying to say. The worst one is when I will trail off into my own world, the conversation will be changed to something else completely, and I will jump in where I left off as though my topic of conversation hadn't been dropped.

I am a loser, lol. I blame on it being my last two weeks of teenager awkwardness. Can you believe I am almost 20? I can't. It doesn't feel like it's been that long. Me...a whole two decades. I wanted to request of the weekend of Feb. 2-4 but everyone and their mom (i.e. about four other RAs) requested that weekend off, so instead I will be coming home Jan.26-28. This way I get to see Rachel one last time before she becomes a legal adult. And Jessie, I want to apologize that I won't be able to be home for your birthday. It's our spring break...and I'll be in Ireland. But I really would like to be there and meet Will. I'm sorry. :/

9:00-9:50 Weather
12:00-1:15 Economic Reasoning Using Statistical Reasoning

9:35-10:50 Literary Narrative
11:00-12:15 Human Sexuality
2:00-3:15 Educational Psychology
3:30-5:00 RA Meeting

9:00-9:50 Weather
12:00-1:15 Economic Reasoning Using Statistical Reasoning
7:00-9:25 U Band

11:00-12:15 Human Sexuality
2:00-3:15 Educational Psychology
3:30-5:00 In-service Meeting

9:00-9:50 Weather
11:00-12:15 Literary Narrative

Sweet schedule, right? I am excited. I dropped choir because I am just not enjoying it anymore. My director is nice but not very challenging, and I don't have the gumption, time, or correct major to do the more advanced choirs. It's okay. It's not like I don't sing in the shower and when we're dancing around the room. Haha.

This entry is way longer than I originally intended, so now I am going to bed! Have a good one, folks.


JD said...

I understand. Ireland is way cooler than my birthday. The latter comes around every year. I need your new address. Either call me or myspace me.

Anonymous said...

Being 20 is overated. haha. You still got a long ways to go. - Brian