Friday, December 29, 2006

"Well, I'm here soo, uh..."

Someone I knew from HS was at SnS tonight and asked me how I was. Haha. First, I would like to discuss SnS and then I would like to discuss boys.

Pros and Cons of Working at SnS

1. Being covered in syrup
  • Pro: I have some bonding time with Chewy. He likes to lick me when I come home.
  • Con: I sometimes am so sticky I have to take another shower before going to bed.

2. Late Hours

  • Pro: I was pulling overtime over the summer, which made for much larger checks.
  • Con: Tonight I didn't even get home until 2:50am.

3. Drive-Thru

  • Pro: I get to see people I know and have delightful chitchat with strangers.
  • Con: I get stuck with the nasty people with bad attitudes and messed up orders (which aren't my fault!).

4. Fountain (Desserts and Shakes)

  • Pro: I get free milkshakes and I'm in charge when I work back there.
  • Con: The people I work with are EXTREMELY messy!!!!!!! Then I have to clean up their disaster zone.

5. Crude Remarks From Fellow Employees

  • Pro: I'm not scared of them anymore, and now I just throw them right back. I don't put up with anyone's crap.
  • Con: Now that I dish it back, I get a lot more of said remarks.

Yes, I complain about SnS, but Jesus, who wouldn't? And yet...I love working there. Overall, it's not that bad. Today wasn't spectacular. When I got there, nothing was stocked or thawed or clean, then we were slammed for about three hours straight, and I would like to say that I was training two girls today and was the only one who knew how to do everything. OMG, it was unnerving, but I survived to write this nice entry about my place of employment.

Now for a less pleasant subject for me: boys.

I don't know what the hell is wrong me. How can I date the arrogant a-holes and be mildly interested in nice boys then never really date them? It's true, Nice guys seems to finish last. Not fair but somehow that's the way things work out. I was talking to Wyatt about this last night actually. I feel kind of pressured to "find" a boyfriend, which is ludricrous. But hell, you try being the only female in your entire family (including extended family) who is single. The only girl who is single is Dumpster, but I think that's mainly due to the fact that she's, what--nine? Or Kaylin. And she's six. Not only that but my friends are getting engaged, and Jessie's friends are engaged...and Mom got married when she was 21. Yuck! I'm too young to think about settling down. Arrogant guys don't really think about settling down (haha, because they don't want committment), and the nice guys are totally up for committment which can sometimes be very scary. Someone informed me that I am scared of committment. This is probably true. That's why boyfriends never really last more than a month. I don't want to be one of those women that is completely dependent on their man, emotionally, physically, economically. Why should I look to someone else when I am perfectly capable of doing these things on my own? And being dependent on someone is so scary--what if he lets me down? If I am self-sufficient, there is no let down or settling for subpar. There is only me.

Why do I sound like such a loser when I reread that?

Thursday, December 28, 2006

"Angst. That's spelled A-N-G-S-T."

I had a fantastic Christmas. I was very excited to see Jessie again. I feel like I see her more now than when she lived at home, though I know that's not the case with Rachel and Mom. We went to church Christmas Eve, just the three of us and we very noticeably the most dressed-up people in the entire church. It looked the Gothic princesses had just stepped in, all red and black, with the exception of Jessie's gold sparkly high heels. Upon arrival at the mothership, I preceeded to bang on Mom's door until she got out of bed and opened the door, "You gotta be kidding me." I think my favorite phrase used was "It's GO TIME! Time to open presents." As far as big presents go, Jessie got a very nice down comforter, Rachel got a digital camera, and I got the giant TV. :D We spent Christmas day with the Lewis', which was a little different than normal. Our cousin Jeff finally "settled" down and brought his new large family along with him (I think mainly for the free food and presents).

Merry belated Christmas!!!

PS I am in Rachel's room right now...she is passed out. And she's most definitely snoring some. ;)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

"I laughed so hard I got a noise violation!"

It's true, I forgot to tell you guys...we had the door open to our room Thursday night. I just so happened to be laughing hysterically and the RA on duty walked by. We didn't really get into trouble. They wrote our names down but no action was taken against us. This is why I was laughing so hard. Those are definitely my bras.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

"This is pathetic!"

So I have talked to Ashley every single day since we've been apart. Is that pathetic? I miss her a lot. She is my plutonic female equivalent to a boyfriend, lol. Matt calls me his female heterosexual plutonic life partner, so I guess that makes me Ashley's female heterosexual plutonic counterpart as well.

Is it weird that I am such good friends with more than one person? I've got five or six of them. I don't think so--the more the merrier is a great philosophy.

Tonight was not all that pleasant. Rachel cried a lot, but what else is new. I cried with her some, but again, what else is new. You know what? I hate money. With a passion. I wish the world could revolve on something else besides money. Because it causes too many problems. This world is filled with too many realistic people and not enough dreamers. There needs to be a healthy balance, and I think too many of those around me are just too realistic.

On that note, I would like to say that Ashley's family has invited me to go to Ireland with them over our spring break. All I would have to pay for is air fare. What do you think? Patty said no, Dad didn't say anything, and no matter what anyone says, I have decided that I am going. Yes, it's a nice hunk of money I won't have anymore...but hello! Jessie has already been to Europe twice, due to our giving family. I've been once, but this is a good opportunity for me. I won't be paying for food or a place to stay, and I would be going with one of my best friends. I wouldn't be able to go if I hadn't gotten this RA position this semester, either, but I why shouldn't I go? Yes, I would make more money staying at home and working at SnS, and I will be doing that all of next summer. HOLY HELL, IT'S IRELAND WE'RE TALKING ABOUT! And the coolest part about it is that we'll be hanging out with Ashley's family. Her aunts, uncles, cousins.

Seriously, this week has been fabulous. I lived through one of the most stressful weeks of my life and managed to have a lot of fun through it. I got my RA position. Rachel got into MIT. And now I have the opportunity to go to Ireland for a reasonable price with one of my favorite people. I am so blessed.

Friday, December 15, 2006

"I wanna go home..."

Yeah, it's an actual song. By Michael Buble. Which makes it a million times better!

I've talked to every person in my immediate family this week. Most of them twice or, I think they're happy I'm coming back home. :) Hell, I'm happy to be going back.

I'm sad because I won't be in the same building next semester, but that happens...because I got an RA position for next semester! Yep. I did it. I'll be in Walker 1 South, which is an all-girls dorm with no AC. Yeah, that kind of stinks, but I'm only a block over from Atkin so I will still get to see my friends a lot. And next year all of central campus will be closed because they're tearing them down for a new rec center, which means I'll be moved over to Tri, Southside, or Watterson. Lol, none of you know where I'm talking about, but that's alright.

In other news, my bff Ashley is coming down for New Years and I'm thinking about going up there for a couple of nights. And Mom is taking Rachel and I to Chicago for a day trip (of course, riding the train as tradition tells us to :). I'm thoroughly excited about break, even if it is shorter (I have to be back Jan. 9). I'll be back home after I get off work at BK around 6. Possibly my last shift at Burger King. That kinda makes me sad. :-*(

But anyway, until then, have a delightful time. Everyone deserves some amazing fun. :)

Monday, December 11, 2006

"In other news this evening."

I don't even remember what I wrote about last time, but that's okay.

I moved into Stephanie's room yesterday. We're still getting everything settled. The funny thing is that it looks like a disaster zone, but it's our disaster zone, so it's all good.

My RA interview went very well on Friday. The interviewees said that I was pretty much guaranteed a job for next semester, but that's what they said last year so I'm not getting my hopes up. I will be finding out about the position on Wednesday...then if I get a position, I'll have to move all of my stuff again. But it'll be worth it. :)

I had two finals today, which both went alright. I have a take-home final that I am working on right now that's due tomorrow, then I have a paper and a final due Thursday. Added to that, I have to work on Wednesday and Friday. Dad and Patty are coming to get me on Friday. I can't wait to be done with this semester. Bleh!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

"Here I am sitting in a tin can."

I'm stealing Corrie's "7 Random facts." Except they're probably not so random.

1. I really enjoy sleeping. It's my favorite passtime, which is a little surprisingly because I LOVE being constantly busy. I guess that's why I sleep so well and so long.

2. I have an infinity for photo booths. I don't think you know how many times I've squeezed into one to get my picture taken. Okay, let's face it--I'm just a picture whore in general.

3. I actually enjoy working fast food. Surprise, surprise. I love it. The only downside is the extra grease on your person after working BOH (back of house which is frying, spec. board, burgers) for a shift. I love the fact that I earn my own money--I work for minimum wage, but I earn every penny of it. And knowing that that money is sitting in my bank account makes me happy.

4. I considered Max my closest friend next to Rachel. My heart broke into a million pieces when he died. I can't even bring myself to go to where he was buried for fear of blinding myself with tears. I want a dog here at school so badly, but that won't happen. I have to wait until I get an apartment of my own (five more semesters).

5. I'm a crier. It's true. An epsiode of Full House will sometimes make me well up. I saw an older couple today on the sidewalk, and the husband was holding his wife with both his hands to make sure she didn't slip, which of course made me get teary. I cry during movies, shows, and certain songs.

6. I am all about movement. When I tell stories, I talk with my hands (a lot). I am usually making a funny face or raising an eyebrow. When I laugh, I tilt my head back and let out of the full cackle. I bounce, dance, and frollick, usually for no reason at all.

7. I think that relationships with other people are the most important thing in the world, and I think that's why I have so many (friendships, that is). That bond you make with other people is irreplaceable. You can learn so much from another person, it's astounding.

As far as other news, I found out I passed the Basic Skills test. In case you don't know what it is, let me explain. It's a test every education major has to take so they make sure you know how to do a little bit of everything. And it's the equivalent of the education majors' ACT, except it's graded on a pass/fail scale. I passed...and my scores were good, so I was excited.

PS Yafro is shutting down their site, but I transferred all my pictures over to Orfay, so you can go there. I changed the link on the side ("Pictures").

Monday, December 04, 2006

"Holy cow!"

I have updated in five days! Oh, no.

Mallory moved out on Saturday because she got an RA position on Wednesday. She's over in Watterson now and loves it. Since school got cancelled on Friday, my RA interview got pushed back until this coming Friday.

Speaking of snow days, this is only one of three snow days in ISU's history. How cool is that? I'm going to post pictures of our day out in the snow pretty soon. I keep meaning to do it but still haven't gotten around to it. Today I only went to one class and slept an extra three hours in the early afternoon. I didn't really feel all that well, and I hope that I'm not coming down with anything. I remember being really sick the week of finals last year--it sucked big time.

It's kind of weird being in the room all by myself with no TV. It's kind of like last year when Stephanie had mono. But luckily, I will be moving in with Steph this weekend so it won't be much longer. Until then the quiet room is very nice to get all my homework done. I should be doing homework right now actually, but I can't seem to concentrate.

I have too much on my mind.

I found out that I am supposed to work the Saturday after finals, and I'm not all that pleased about it. I'm going to try to work in those hours sometime earlier in the week so I can go home Friday instead of late Saturday night. I would much rather have Dad come pick me up then take the train home, too. I need to take some of my stuff back home, and it would be difficult lugging everything onto the train.

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good, uneventful day. Those are fantastic. And so are three-hour naps.