Monday, September 11, 2006

"I must get away from the fumes."

Not to be gross or anything but our room has been filled with noxious gas lately. It's disgusting. It's not just 362's inhabitants either. We've had pretty much the regular group in our room every night for the past week or so...and let's just say people are getting waaaaaay too comfortable with themselves. There are some things that should be left outside in the hallway. Geeze.

And now on to my real purpose in writing. I am trying to keep myself well entertained until Mallory finishes with some of her reading. We've been going through a Sex in the City marathon for the past two weeks or so. We're almost done with season three--and we found someone with the entire collection, so you can imagine how much fun we're having. Mondays and Wednesdays I kind of get to blow the homework off--it's extremely nice. I only have one class Tuesdays and Thursdays...even better. Tomorrow, though, will be very productive day (I hope). I want to wake up early to take a shower and get some breakfast, go to my one and only class of the day (not to mention the most boring!), laundry time, lunch with Ashley, study study study! I have a test and a paper due on Friday so I'll be working on that, not to mention the music I have to have memorized for my concert next weekend, and the book I need to start reading for my Middle Eastern history class.

Things aren't that bad really. I am getting used to the workload, so I am also being a little more gungho on the job search. I think I'll make a trip down to the Career Center, and if nothing looks appealing, I'll take a stab at the dining center. It wouldn't be too bad since Stephanie (roommate #2) works there right now along with a couple of other girls I knew from my floor last year. Mallory wants to find a job, but I don't think she would ever consider a dining center job. All I have to say is that there is no way in hell I will ever go back to Sears for seasonal employment. Boo!!!!!!!!!

I also found it rather amusing that all of us talked about Uncle Tim dancing at Aunt Molly's wedding. I guess it was a historical event worth documenting. ;) By the way, thank you for taking me out to lunch on Saturday. I had fun, Mom. I hope you're feeling better! And wow, I haven't felt this blabby in a long time. I never feel like writing anymore because, well, I don't feel like there is anything significant to note. I will say this much, though, I do have a lot of fun whether it's significant or not.

PS The mini-feed on facebook is border-line stalker.

1 comment:

JD said...

You should yafro some wedding photos.