Tuesday, September 26, 2006

"Why the hell would you do that?"

I was talking to one of my tipsy friends last night, and she rather disturbed that I would dye my hair purple. I figured that since my hair is so dark it would be more a purple tint than an actual purple, which is exactly what happened. Ashley and I decided to do it spur of the moment--hers is now bright red. We'll take some pictures later so you can all see it. Oh, and it's just temporary, so no worries.

Four of my closest friends and myself are now on a diet. We're holding each other accountable...eating together and exercising together. I think we're all pretty excited about it. Except for the cheese thing. No cheese. And no booze because, well, that is just empty calories right there. So maybe I'm not uber excited about it, but if I keep my goal in mind, I think we'll be safe.

Today I have a buttload of homework to do, so I'm going to go take my shower and do my thing. Have a lovely rest of the day, folks.

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