Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"Okay. Alright. Okay. Alright."

Song. w00t.

As per Jessie's request, I posted wedding pictures on yafro in addition to several others. I'm so glad I got a camera!!!!!!!! I always update on facebook, but I sometimes neglect yafro and photobucket. I think we're now up-to-date on all three, n'est-pas? Oui.

I woke up at 8:45 when I have class at 9:00. It was a mad dash to put some clothing on and make it to class before attendence was taken. He is such a Nazi about attendence. Geeze, Louise. Did I mention I tired I am so much of the time? I am just worn out. I'll get in bed (always by midnight if not earlier) then I can't fall asleep for what seems like forever. I am kind of disappointed that my old sleeping position doesn't work in this room. In 460, I always put my arm over my face and fell right to it, but in 362, I have to lay on my stomach because the AC goes right up my nose if I don't (the AC is at the end of my bed). I really want to take a nap, but I'm afraid if I nap I won't be able to fall asleep early tonight. Bloody mess, if you ask me.

Now I am off to eat or watch TV or do some homework or something. G'day, folks.

PS I had this dream where Max died one weekend, Aunt Mae died the following weekend, then Grandma died the next week. That would be one of the worst months in the history of Sarah. It was all about the going home and crying and horrible feelings. Sorry to end the blog on an unpleasant note.

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