Thursday, August 31, 2006

"Sarah! What the hell were you thinking?!"

Muahaha. Since Mallory's birthday is tomorrow, and I am missing it we decorated her part of the room. It included toilet paper, porn printed off from her computer, and a lot of multi-colored, fun-flavored condoms taped all over the bottom part of the loft. This all for my uber-conservative roommate. :)

I found an emo cover of a song I really like. "I Think It's Going To Rain Today."

Broken windows and empty hallways
A pale dead moon in the sky streaked with gray
Human kindness is overflowing
And I think it's going to rain today

Scarecrows dressed in the latest styles
With frozen smiles to chase love away
Human kindness is overflowing
And I think it's going to rain today

Lonely, lonely
Tin can at my feet
Think I'll kick it down the street
That's the way to treat a friend

Bright before me the signs implore me
To help the needy and show them the way
Human kindness is overflowing
And I think it's going to rain today

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

"Free stuff? WHERE?"

A college kid's dream? A carnival where you can get free food, toys, and T-shirts. Oh, yes.

Me being sick has been like riding a roller coaster. I was getting better then last night I ended up getting an almost migraine and then puking. Every time I get the worst headaches I end up getting sick. Not fair. I am still trying to take it easy and going to bed fairly early. My cough is just gross. Yuck.

Anywho, Mallory and I are currently chilling in the room, listening to the Rent soundtrack, and we decided that Rosario Dawson sounds better than the Mimi on broadway because she lacks the major vibrato.

I got a couple of presents for Mom this week and am thoroughly excited about them. And per her request, I added a few pictures of my hair so you can kind of see it. I'm sorry they aren't great, but you'll all see it within the next few days. I promise it won't look any different.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

"You can't marry someone until you can fart in front of them."

Great line.

This weekend was both good and bad. We watched a lot of Sex in the City. My cold won't go away...the conjestion has gotten better but the cough worse. I spent a lot of time in the room because I wasn't in the mood to really go out. Both nights I stayed up later than I should have and got several unwanted phonecalls and texts. I counted the text messages I recieved from Friday night and Saturday night...somewhere around 70. That's a hell of a lot of texts. And to make a long story short, nothing changed. I hate guys sometimes. I have some more homework to finish tonight before I head to bed, so I'm going to get crackin' on that.

Oh, and I'm coming home Thursday night. Thursday through Sunday. Mom, I don't need a ride, but thanks for the offer. :) Have a delightful evening, kiddies.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

"Hey, love, I'm not leaving here."

Listening to the Dog & Everything. I went to one of their shows last year--not too shabby.

I've started to feel much better since my last depressing entry. Things have been going all right. Today was amazing because I only had one class, had lunch with a buttload of people I hadn't seen in forever, and I managed to highlight my hair. Although some people (i.e. Mom) probably won't like it, I do. So it's all good. On a rather dispicable note, I paid over $600 for my books this semester. Ouch, ouch, ouch!!!!

Last night we (Scott, Mallory, Ashley, Erica, and I) went to a Mexican Fiesta, which consisted of a lot of people from our church group in a tiny apartment with a lot of Mexican food. We had a lot of fun and even pooped out early to go home and watch some Sex and the City before hitting the hay. I think Mal is going to be an excellent influence on my sleeping habits. I've managed to get some 8ish hours a night of sleep. Go us, right? Tonight, we're going to church--actually, we leave in about fifteen minutes. It'll be the first time I've been to church since the last time I went to Encounter back in the beginning of May. Exciting, eh?

On a side note, I am ecstatic about the freshmen buddies I have made in the past week. Working Passages was a really good idea. I see the froshies all across campus. Quite a few girls live on Southside so I seem them a lot. Anyway, I need to go primp. Later, dudes.

Sunday, August 20, 2006


I want to start this giant mosh pit. Break my nose, bleed a lot, smash my arms and legs against other angry people. Feel some pain. See other people that are angry, too. Only the first week of school. I am already frustrated. I am fed up with one person in particular.

Rachel left earlier and already I miss her. I want to cry I miss her that much. And I am sure my anger is accentuating the fact that I miss my little sister. I wish my best friend could be here all the time. I wish she could just show up whenever the hell she felt like it. But Miss Rachel has her own life now, which only slightly merges with mine. Poor kid. I don't think she realizes how much I love her.

And me listening to emo music and looking through pictures doesn't help. I am tired and frustrated and angry. All I want to do is curl up in a ball and wonder what my chemical imbalance is. No, emo. Bad, emo! I wish I had Billie up here so I could go drive around for a while. Or a Bekki to talk to. I miss her, too. I hate bad days.

Oh, yeah, and to top it all off, I have this humongous red bump on the right shoulder blade. I have no idea if it's a bite or not. It's big. And red. But not itchy or getting any larger. It's gross, that's what it is.

And I miss Max. Not even an hour before I left home I sat down and cried with my Maxwell. My attachment to that dog is very similar to the way I feel about Rachel. He doesn't look good. In fact, he looks miserable. I told him how much I loved him and how much I would miss him. How happy he makes me. How I adore him. I wish he knew what I was talking about. I could tell he knew I was leaving home. He sat and watched me pack.

Well, you can pretty much ignore this whole entry. It's me complaining about being homesick. I'm frustrated and angry, mainly just because I miss being at home. I am almost 20-years-old, and I still miss my sisters, parents, and pets. And my friends. :) I hate it. A whole bunch. I'll be home in two weeks. And I am excited.

God, I feel pathetic.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

"I got me a gun and a shovel. Ain't nobody gonna miss you, kid."

I had Taco Bell earlier. Not such a hot idea. Phew.

I am such a hypocrit. I keep wanting everyone else to post so I can know what's going on and yet I haven't really done such a good job of it myself. 'Tis all right, though.

Currently, Rachel is sitting in my beanbag on my floor watching Anastasia. Really good cartoon. Hells yeah. She came to visit me, and I am thoroughly excited. Her train was uber late. Although I think we chose a bad weekend just because of the Big and Rich concert and all the Passages (freshmen orientation) stuff going on this weekend. Orientation has kept me busy and extremely worn out. But fun. I made a lot of friends, and some of the activities weren't too bad. I must say that I skipped the scrimmage, the movie, and the midnight breakfast tonight. Rachel and I were just too tired.

The dorm thing is amazing. I am so excited to be back now. It's wonderful, it's marvelous, it's delirious, it's just...*snuggles with pillow* I'm happy now. :) Not that I wasn't's just different.

Can't wait for AM's wedding, though!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

"Why you callin' so late? Is everything okay?"

So, why am I in love with this song? There is not really any significance to the words...and yet everytime it comes on when I'm in the car by myself, I sing it at the top of my lips and want to cry. Weird, you might say. I would probably have to agree. This is and "Looking Through the Glass" by Stone Sour. Oh, well...

This is me taking over Rachel's laptop to check all the going-ons of the neighborhood kiddies because I have given up on calling people. You work 50 hours a week, sleep all day, and see if you want to talk to people who don't make any attempt to contact you all summer. Bleh.

Dad called me a slob because my room looks like a tornado went through it. And the bathroom garbage was slightly overflowed. What else is new, people? Read the afore mentioned statement about working 50 hours a week and sleeping all day. Does face looks like it cares? Not too much.

I have tomorrow off, though I have no idea why. And I will be working late both Monday and Tuesday (my last day). We're throwing a tiny party for my sake. :) Last night Orlandon kept saying how much he was going to miss me. Somehow, the several people who say things like that to me make the really crappy hours and grumpy nights all worth it.

The rest of the week looks busy. A party, perhaps. Friday is the Park concert with Matt. Saturday, Bekki, Wyatt, and I are headed for Belleville to make a party stop at Dallas'. The few days after that will consist of me packing and getting everything ready for school. Aren't we all excited about going back to school? Most of my friends are ready to go back. I know the ISU kids certainly are ready...and so are the few of the Lunch Buddies that I still talk to.

Congratulations on spending your summer in a manner that flew by like no other.