Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"I love mint shakes."

I worked 47 hours last week. And I had 2 days off. I am the master. I also don't have a life. :) I am having problems with one of the assistant managers. I think we're going to have to have a talk. It started up a couple of weeks ago. I have two weeks left and she's being as big a biznatch as she can. Grrrr.

So yes, two weeks left. Oh, Steak 'n Shake. I will miss thee. I'll be back on holidays, but I'm hoping that Christmas break will be the last of me working there. I think I might have plans for spring break, and hopefully, next summer I will be working on campus. It makes me kind of sad that I have never held a job for more than a summer. Oh, well.

Tonight, Mom, Rachel, and I will be going to O'Charley's for dinner and see LOB's Aida (however that is spelled) out at the Muni. It should be good...I heard it was from a little Corrielynn. Sidenote: I sometimes wonder how Rachel feels about me. Every night I have off I usually hang out with her or call her or something. She almost always wants to do something when I ask, but do you think I'm a little overbearing? When I was still in high school, my group of friends was her group of friends...and now that I'm gone, she's become a little social butterfly. Was I holding her back? I can't help that I love having my little sister for a best friend. She's my Rachel, and I love her. I just hope that I'm not a huge pain in her ass.

Anywho, dates to remember:
Aug. 8--last day of SnS
Aug. 10--Twilight Parade
Aug. 11-13--going-out-of-town bash somewhere in there
Aug. 15--moving into Atkin 362
Aug. 16--training for move-in leaders
Aug. 17-20--passages weekend for the freshman and Rachel visiting
Aug. 31--coming home for Labor Day weekend
Sept. 2--AM's wedding!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, got it done, and it looks really cute :)
