Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"All I need is a drink, a cig, and a good screw."

A quote edited for your viewing pleasure. :) And it wasn't me saying it either.

The piece of crap blazer, which I make a point not to complain about too much is extremely frustrating on this very dreary, wet day. Normally, it doesn't cause me too many problems, but since we are in the biggest downpour I've seen in a long while and my windshield wipers have a mind of their own, I'm just plain ol' pissed. Stupid windshield wipers. I don't complain about the extreme amount of gas it eats or the oil it guzzles consistently or the funny smell of the upholstery. No, I've loved that car and treated it well. Yet it fails me when I need the whindshielf wipers most. Because of this reason, I have yet to name it. I don't think I ever will. Stupid, ridiculous No-Name Blazer. Curse you and your flippin' windshield wipers.

You know what else is extremely aggrivating???? Not being able to check your internet about every other day, that's what. I hate getting my stupid spam. If I don't check my email every couple of days, I get an uncontrollable amount of crap in my inbox that I must sift through at a later date. And the library must have figured out what myspace is because it is now blocked. I think I got to see everyone's journals that aren't on myspace, and I managed to check my email and facebook. So what is my problem, you ask? I'm in a rather cruddy mood. Boo.

Graduation for my Glenwood kiddies is on Saturday, and I will be attending. I also have, I think, four or five parties I'm going to this weekend, too. Corrie and I went shopping today for Jared, Brian, Steve, and Justin. We got them some good stuff. Anyway, I'm excited about that.

And unfortunately, in the spirit of negativity, I have not found a job yet. I kid you not, I feel like I've applied to every place on the west side and then some. I wish just one place would call me back so I could start making some money. I saw J-Dub when I went to go see X-Men on Sunday, and he told me he would call Carrie to get me back for the summer. I'm really hoping so. I am desperate here. But I will not sell my body for cash. No need to become a Madame.

At least I've kept my sense of humor, eh? I have nothing to do now, so I'm going to catch a bite to eat before meeting Mom and Rachel at West 12 to see the DaVinci Code. Have a great week, everyone.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

"When am I going to get some Sarah lovin' time?"

Would you believe it...I miss everyone so much. *pouts* I've talked to Scott a couple of times, and some other people haven't returned my phone calls. Boo on you.

Not much going on that the family doesn't know about. Rachel got a 34 on the ACT, and wow, was she excited. I felt honored to be the first one she called. Yes, I'm bragging, I can't help it. Mom's birthday was last week. I plan on taking her to the DaVinci Code sometime soon--girls' night out. We went to the Old Capitol Art Fair on Saturday, too. It was a good time...I think Rachel and I enjoyed the fair-type food more than anything else. ;)

So far I've managed to hang out with all the lunch buddies at the jazz band dance, Cathy and Kristen at the DaVinci Code, Wyatt and Steve at Denny's, Wheaton took me to Wal*Mart [:)], Mia and I had a picnic in Washington Park. Scott is moving back to Bloomington tomorrow for the preview training, which means he will be only an hour away vs. the previous three hours.

I'm still jobless. It's hurting, quite a bit. I am trying, believe you me. It seems no one wants to hire this Sarah Lewis. I don't understand. Look at me, how could you not want me?? :D I'm thinking about going to the temp agency. We'll see.

I had 537 emails. I hate spam.

Hope all is well in the land of everyone else. I need to return a phone call and go home, so I need to get going. I promise I will try to update more--especially if I get the wireless back up and running at Dad's. Love you all. <3.

Monday, May 15, 2006

"I didn't realize 'wazoo' was a real word." I applied for jobs up the wazoo today. Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum, Chili's, Applebee's, Olive Garden, some restaurant downtown, Memorial. Yep. I told Dad and Patty that I am taking a break tomorrow. I need to clean my room up--it's difficult to maneuver in there so I have so much stuff for so little a space. I somehow managed to come home with three times as much stuff as when I went up to school. I'm almost thinking about being ghetto and putting the fridge in my room, but I somehow don't think it's a necessity. I would more than likely stock it with large amounts of diet pepsi and call it a day.

At any rate, I have a lot of pictures. From both moving out and the jazz band dance. Rachel and I both looked pretty good, I'm not going to lie. Oh, and speaking of Rachel (drum roll please!)...she got a 34 on her ACT! Our little genius. It makes me want to tear up a little. I'm very proud of her. :) I was the first person she called, too. That also made me want to tear up. I can't believe she'll be going to college in a little bit herself. Jessie, do you feel old? Because I do.

I can hear Dubya coming from the TV in the other room. I think I'll stick out in the computer room. I would much rather write in here than listen to the president, as disappointed as Grandma would be to read that. Grey's Anatomy's season finale is tonight, so I will be sneaking off to my room with the tiny black-and-white TV so I can see the entire show here in a bit. I love that show...last night's episode was pretty intense! Anywho, I am around and not working if anyone wants to hang out. :) Au revoir!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

"You arms are my castle, your heart is my sky."

So I was just now walking down the hall and I started to cry. I feel ridiculous...but not really. I am done with all my finals. My first year of college is over with. I have to go home and spend time with people I haven't really seen for the past nine months (because the people I have been spending time with all live up north :).

I've missed my lunch buddies quite a bit. And now I will miss my ISU friends for the next three months. Katie doesn't even know if she is coming back to school here in the fall, so there is a really good chance I won't see again (she lives in Maryland).

I've made some CD mixes and little videos for people...I'm not sure what to give Scott or Stephanie.

When she moves out tomorrow, I will be sad to no end.

Have I mentioned how much I love it here? How it's one of my favorite places in the world? How I've met so many people and learned to love just about every single one of them? How I even like my silly dorm bed? How I enjoy walking around the quad at night? If I haven't mentioned those things, now you know.

I was leaving my math final tonight and it was pouring outside. God sliced open some clouds and let the water flow. I stood in the middle of a mud puddle somewhere between Felmley and my dorm and just let the rain soak my clothes. It was absolutely fantastic. Splashing in puddles, making random phonecalls to share the moment, picking lilac. What better way to spend my last night here on campus?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

"I'll be down to the 'Field in a couple of weeks. I'll call you, girl."

I absolutely love it. How random. Toga + Goggles = One Uber-Hot Sarah Lou.

I like how everyone up here refers to Springfield as The Field, Springpatch, or if feeling particularly ghetto, The Patch. Like we white kids are ghetto. Psh.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

"Am I interrupting something?"

I am rather enjoying the fact that I seem to be in some sort of euphoric state right now.

More people from home have called me in the past week than they have in the past month. Really. You wouldn't think it, but people seem to think I am good at giving advice. It's true. Especially concerning their love lives. Weird. "Sarah, what do you think?" *shrug*

So I did okay on my geology final. Should bring up my grade a bit. I am ready for my history final at 7:50 in the am. I need to finish up this paper...I completely forgot about it until today. I am studying for my psych right now and will continue from the end of my early history final until 1:00 in the afternoon. Then I'm studying hxc for my math final which is at 8:00pm.

Then I'm completely finished with my freshman year of college. How weird is that? It feels like I just moved in yesterday. And I'm moving out on Thursday. It seems so sad, you know? I don't want to leave at all. I do want to go home, but I've had so much fun here. I'm going to miss everyone terribly. I had to say goodbye to a bunch of people at church tonight--it feels like I'll see them next week when I'll really see them in three months. Wowza.

Monday, May 08, 2006

"We've found the answer to your final exam: Jesus!"

Said the sign outside a church we went by on the bus today. I thought it was rather amusing. :D

The start of May has proved to be rather exhausting and entertaining. I haven't felt this rundown in I don't know how long. I know the last few times I've been sick was due to stress and lack of sleep.

This weekend was a lot of fun. Cinco de Maio on Friday, prom on Saturday, and sleep on Sunday.

I took my first final today--totally aced that puppy. I have three more finals, all on Wednesday. I'm coming home on the 5:39 train Thursday night. And yes, Corrie, I am going to the jazz band dance. :)