Friday, March 31, 2006

"I'm a sexually deprived individual. Don't laugh! It's true."

We celebrated his birthdaytonight. At Avanti's, big surprise. God love him because I sure as hell do. It's going to be super crazy around here until the end up the semester. I am so excited for Rachel and the prom...and some of my kids are graduating, here and from GHS. Everything is looking stressful, hectic, and fantastic.

Can you tell I'm in a fantabulous mood? Love you. 'Night.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

"You're LAME!"

I heart the roommate.

Sorry, I haven't really felt like blogging much. There has been quite a bit to do.

Went back to the doctor on Monday, and she said that she doesn't think it's mono but a viral infection. So now I'm on all kind of cough suppressants (sp?). I am feeling a heck of a lot better, so I'm really glad about that. I'm caught up on all my notes now and I've been making it to all my classes. Good as gold.

I'm coming home for Easter, unlike some of my friends (weird, huh?). And the jazz band dance. So I'll be back in three weeks then again in six weeks. I'm done with finals the following week, though I'm not sure of what specific day.

My side of the room today was extremely messy, so I just cleaned it up. It's the first time I've gone all day without making my bed. Making my bed is the first thing I do when I crawl out...anal, really.

Eistir is coming up tomorrow. I was so excited when I found out I almost peed my pants. The reason she is coming kind of sucks...but I'm hoping, hoping, hoping I'll get to spend some time with her. God, I miss that girl.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

"Why are you so nice?"

I asked him, and he denied it.

I've steadily been getting sicker and more fatigued. The doctor on Friday said that I tested negative for strep throat, but if my symptoms continued into this coming week, then I need to go back to get tested for mono. Even though I've already had it, I could have gotten it again since my first case was so mild. You know what I say to that? BOO! If I do have mono, they will tell me to go home for two weeks. Do I want to do that? No--especially since spring break was only a week ago and I'll be going home for Easter in three weeks anyway.

I hung out with Jason, Mallory, Heather, and Katie all weekend. Friday we went to Brokeback Mountain over in Capen Auditorium...then we went over to the Bowling and Billiards to play pool while Jason and a couple of girls ended up bowling. We went back over to Tri to make some of the chocolate-covered pretzels and watch movies. Yesterday consisted of me sleeping in until 9:30 then doing a whole lot of relaxing in my room. We went to Shakespeare's Complete Works Abridged last night. It was a comedy troop thing, and boy, I haven't laughed like that in a while. It was great. The girls came over to my room and talked for a long time until I kicked them out around 10:30 so I could get some sleep. Last night I woke up I don't know how many times and talked to Steph when she walked in around 4:30 this morning. Thank God we both slept in until 11:30ish.

Today I have to meet with my English group to work on this paper/project about Amelia Earhart that is due Friday. And of course, Grey's Anatomy at 9:00, but I think I'll just stay in my room since I don't really want to move out of bed.

And now that I have complained enough about my bad health, I'm going to go take a nap.

Friday, March 24, 2006

"Oh, my God..."

You guys should hear my voice, really. I really do now sound like a man. You call me just hear how low it is, mock my pain. I woke up when Steph was still here and I guess I sputtered out some coughs that really grossed her our so she grabbed our phonebook and the phone and told me to make an appointment at student health services. We're thinking I either have A) strep or B) mono. I would much rather have strep than mono. My throat is severely constricted so it's hard to breathe or cough or swallow liquids. It hurts to do any of those. Except I have a lot of stuff in my throat I want to get out...coughing is bad. I haven't puked yet, so I am hoping that I don't get whatever Mom has.

I am just worried about this geology test. Last night I was studying away when I got a completely random phonecall from someone whom I would never expect to call, and my studying was disrupted because I ended up talking to Scott for a long time. And boy, is he angry at me. It's our first "fight," so it seems major. It was major. He'll get over it eventually, he just needs some coolling time. I ended up calling him a little bit later to say goodnight and he picked up...excellent sign. And he said, "Love you," like he always does when he gets off the phone, so that was another good sign. Overall, it was a lot of drama. He leaves today at 2:00 and gets back tomorrow night. Hopefully, he won't be mad anymore by then.

All right, kiddies. I'm rolling back into bed because I really don't feel good. It's going to be exnay on the partay tonight, I bet. Have a good day, everyone.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"Well, it's a fabulous day for a moon dance with the stars up above."

Go Michael Buble. Any man that would sing to me like that could have my heart instaneously. Swooners=fantabulous.

This week has been extremely laid-back. Extremely. I've been very tired and not feeling so hot, which became even worse this morning. I couldn't get myself out of bed until 9:45 so I could make it to English. My throat hurts and my voice is raspy. And I also have had a few signs pop up that I won't discuss because it's gross, mainly involving mucus. ;) So I think I'm coming down with something--hoping it's not whatever Mom had. But everyone here seems to be sick, too, so I'll probably never know where it came from.

I am just so tired.

And I have a geology test Friday. Boo.

This weekend promises to be a lot of fun, though. Friday night we're seeing the UPB showing of Brokeback Mountain and having a mini-party over at Tri. Saturday, I'm sleeping in then we're making the white chocolate-covered pretzels and having another movie night probably at Watterson. Jason's roommate's girlfriend is coming from the U of I for the weekend, and Richard basically kicked him out of the room for the weekend, which doesn't seem all that great. So we get Jason for the weekend. We have to watch Hercules because Encounter is having an Animated party next weekend...that means we get dressed up like a cartoon, and a group of us are going as the Muses, so we need to study them to see how they dress and do their hair.

All right, I'm off. I'm going to take a very short nap before geology. I am just so freaking tired. 'Night, folks.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Jessie's twenty-fourth. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

"Pretty in pink? What?"

So I am watching this movie. And it happens to be one of my favorites. I just realized how unrealistic it is. I mean, who the hell really cares about money that much? Not around here, they don't. Well...they do but not that much. The beginning of the movie starts two weeks before graduation, too, and we only see Andie and Blain go on two real dates before she blows up on him in the hallway because he says he forgot that he asked another girl to the prom. Plus Andrew McCarthy, as good-looking as he is, does not look like he's that great a kisser.

In case any of you didn't know, we had some tornadoes come our way. No damage to any of the houses but our barn took it like a champ. It'll probably get torn down (it might take five years, though). I took a lot of pictures, so I'll put those up when I get back to school. We got power back yesterday afternoon, so hooray for that. I hate not being able to take a shower. A lot of the powerlines were down from New Berlin past Elsie Jacob's place on Waverly Road. Actually, part of Waverly road is missing. But everything is back up and running so it isn't too bad anymore. The Fauchs' place was ripped to smithereens, though. They had some grain bins strewn across the fields and their barn where they had their cars caved in and crushed their vehicles.

Not a lot else is going on right now. Oh, except spring break. I called Sears today to see if they would hire me for the summer, but the manager didn't call me back. Niki's sure that Showplace will hire me back, so I'm not too worried about that. I'm going to see if I can find a better job. Sears wasn't too bad, but I need more hours than Showplace is willing to give me. I guess I will apply for a position over at the Department of Ag. I hated my job, but I made great money.

"I'm off like a dirty shirt," as Ducky says.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"I just can't believe it."

Neither can I, Jason.

Scott blew me some kisses in geology. And walked with his arm over my shoulder. He tried to make me feel better.

Then I got back to Atkin and checked me mail. I got my letter from housing--I am an alternate RA until spring '07. So I might get a position but probably not until the spring term.

It looks like I am made to be an alternate. Sorry, that was me feeling sorry for myself. I need to go before it gets worse.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

"You could kill someone with that thing!!"

I broke out my license plate purse just for kicks. I dislike carrying around my bookbag so I always carry my larger purses so I can stick in my books and notebooks. Which means no one ever sees my large stash of purses hidden underneath my bed. That purse is a block of metal (obviously) and could do some damage if someone decided to attack me on campus (which is unlikely).

Today is going waaaay better than yesterday. I finished off one of my papers last night and am almost done with my second. I just took my math test--first person to turn it in. I was unsure about one of the questions, but I figured it out after about five minutes of silent debate in my head. Another A on a math test? I might be able to accept that. ;)

I burned a CD for my friend Jason last night, too. I was extremely excited about it. I'm still not quite sure of everything he is into, but I know his favorite music is Christian stuff so I made him a Christian mix and threw in a random Spice Girls song. Muahaha. He won't know what hit him. And this is how I get my kicks, folks.

The rest of the day is looking like fun. I have psych class until 1:50 then I am escorting Mallory to the mall where I will watch her shop since I don't want to spend any money. Then we'll probably go get something to eat (I'm thinking some Chinese over at Watterson. Or maybe Chic-Fil-A.). Scott's concert is at 7:00 then we have Encounter at 9:00.

Oh, yeah, and we finished the only season of Freaks and Geeks last night. I will be eternally sad because there is no closure whatsoever. I am in love with Jason Segel, it's been decided. *sigh*

Monday, March 06, 2006

"Now I wallow in my self-pity."

"Dear Sarah,

Thank you for your interest in Preview and for your application for the position of Preview Guide. Although you have not been selected as a Preview Guide, we are pleased to notify you that you have been selected as one of the Preview Guide alternates. If a vacancy occurs, which does occasionally happen, you will be considered as a top candidate for the position.

As you are aware, we had an exceptionally large number of fine candidates for the limited number of positions available. Therefore, your position as an alternate should certainly not be considered as a negative reflection on your abilities. We are confident that you will find other opportunities within the university community to be of assistance to your fellow students. We wish you continued success in your endeavors at Illinois State University.

If you have any questions regarding your role in Preview 2006, please free to contact us. We will gladly schedule an appointment to speak to you."

So this is the end of my not-so-bad day. I have to say I'm extremely disappointed. I want to know why I am only an alternate--more than likely because I am a freshman. I hate being a young-on'. Now to finish my craptacular mood, I'm off to the showers. *sigh*

Sunday, March 05, 2006

"I'll show you smiley face! :)"

Okay, so I am here to announce that I found Mr. Welch's myspace. Yes, folks, you hear me correctly!!! How funny is that? Flippin' amazing. I had to tell Brett Manning immediately, I bet she'll be uber excited to see that.

Scott's concert went really, really well. Like I said, they are fantastic. Apparently, he has another on Tuesday night so I will be there in attendance as well. He looks good in a tux. Mental note: make sure to take picture. They sung the finale song from HMS Pinafore. That brought back a lot of memories. It almost made me miss high school. ;)

My hair is pretty big tonight, and I am rather enjoying it. Off to read my history. Wish me luck on my quiz.

"'O' is for the only one I see."

Oh, Nat King Cole is such the swooner and crooner type. *sigh* I find myself sometimes spacing out when I man is singing. Well, not really "spacing out," it's more like daydreaming. I can't help it. Speaking of singing, Scott has a choir tonight at 7:00, so I'm going for moral support. Plus the concert choir is, well, awesome. I'm going by myself because I cannot get a hold of the kids I would normally go with, and even Jason isn't feeling well. I would ask Paul but he would get the wrong impression and he would talk through most of the concert anyway, telling me how boring it is. I hate when people do that. Just sit back and appreciate the music, even if it isn't all that superior.

This weekend has been very relaxing. Friday I watched a heck of a whole lot of Gilmore Girls (finished up the third season) then went to the Harry Potter 10:00 showing where Scott met me with some of his friends. Yesterday I didn't end up waking until nearly 2:00, so I then did my normal waking-up routine until I went over to Kathy and Katie's for dinner. Had dinner then went back to her place for some movies and the such. We had an excellent time. ;) And I didn't want to back by myself around 1:30 in the morning, so I called Paul to walk me back to the dorm where Brian met us. Yes, Brian. Long story that I don't necessarily wish to get into. All I know is that I passed out around 2:30 and woke up around 5:00 or so because it was absolutely freezing (the window was open). To my disgust, everything was WHITE. The ground, the roads, the trees, the sky completely filled with snow. Luckily, a good portion of it has melted already, but it's extremely disheartening with all the good weather we've had for the past week. And today? Has been a whole lot of nothing. Watched TV, movies, did a little bit of homework. Tonight after the concert I am doing the usual Sunday thing--watching Grey's Anatomy in Ashley's room. It'll be fun like normal.

Anyway, spring break starts on Friday, but if things work out all right, I might be going home Thursday night after my lab. That's only if I finish my English project by Wednesday night. I kind of doubt that happening, though. We'll just have to see how things go this week. :) But I'm really excited.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"Why are you so happy?"

Omg, Michael Buble, make my heart melt. *swoons* He is that random geeky-looking guy on the Starbucks commercials. Seriously, guys, that voice!!

I am so excited about my little slideshow. I put it in my myspace profile, too. Go me.

I haven't really felt in a blogging mood recently...and I've been quasi-busy. I watched the entire first season of Grey's Anatomy on Monday, but given it's only nine episodes that wasn't my entire day (just me entire night :). I have decided I am not going to Purdue this weekend because I have too much to do before break, and I can't make tomorrow's rehearsal, not to mention I accidentally slept through yesterday's practice.

-history quiz Monday
-geology lab practical Monday
-math test Tuesday
-psych test Thursday
-English unit due Friday

We have a geology fieldtrip I am going on April 1. We're going to Starved Rock...Fitts and I are pretty excited about it. How geeky, huh? We're excited about going to check out rocks firsthand. *shrug* As I was looking at that, I realized that April is only one month away. Finals start in a little over two months. Gilly Wilikers, Batman, I'll be a sophomore in college. ;)

Any time starting today I should find out about RA. *bites nails* I am really confident that things will work out but there is still that off chance that makes me nervous. And I find out about being a preview guide sometime next week. Scott and I are crossing our fingers together.

Oh, God, I am just so happy you can't even imagine it. No reason really. Just extremely excited about my prospects for the upcoming year. You never know what's in store for you, do you? And the weather is inexplicably gorgeous this afternoon. Earlier it was super gloomy and cold, but now it's absolutely stunning. It was almost too much for just a hoodie...I think I am going to walk around taking pictures of the frisbee players out on the quad.

And Mom and Jessie, I made both of you fun mixes...I'll have to give them to you over spring break (or mail it). Are you coming home before your birthday, Jess? Hey, has anyone else noticed that St. Patty's Day is conveniently on a Friday night? I'll be at Anything Goes. Geeze, I am so excited.

Anyway...I am off to the showers because everyone likes a clean, good-smelling Sarah Lou. Enjoy the pictures! :D