Saturday, February 24, 2007

Love Quotes

I got these from an article in Glamour. Enjoy.

"When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible." -Billy Crystal as Harry in When Harry Met Sally

"Intimacy is a four-syllable word for here's my heart and soul. Please grind them into hamburger and enjoy." -Ellen Pompeo as Meredith on Grey's Anatomy

"I think people should mate for life, like pigeons or Catholics." - Woody Allen as Isaac in Manhattan

"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart of burn down your house, you never can tell." -Joan Crawford

"I like you. I like sex. Is nice." -Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat

My favorite is the Joan Crawford quote.

"Why won't you love me?!"

We watched Science of Sleep tonight. It was great...I love French movies. Much more artistic.

I'm on duty tonight. A bunch of my friends came over to keep me company, which was awesome. I got to see Erica and Brennan who I never hang out with anymore. I borrowed a bunch of movies from one of my residents so I am going to stick another one here pretty soon even though it's really late.

I just had my first alcohol bust. I was kind of excited but not really.

I feel so lame right now. I'm very tired but I have way too much caffeine in me...and I will be doing another round in twenty minutes or so to go check on the drunks.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

"I believe that if no one sees me eat a whole tub of butter the calories don't exist."

I'm listening to my sappy music because I am being sappy.

My weekend was really good until right before I got to the train station tonight.

Ashley was absolutely fantastic. I went a little overboard last night, but it was fun. Brandon and Wheaton took us to see Ghost Rider, which wasn't too bad. I was just shocked how ripped and old Nicholas Cage is.

Then we had the talk tonight. I'm hurt. So I downed a pint of Ben & Jerry's with some Sex in the City. It won't fix anything...if anything it's more depressing that I am trying to make myself feel better with food, though we must give credit to the two greatest men on earth. Now I think I'm going to go do some laundry and listen to my sappy music.

Oh, Mae is going to be in Champaign on March 27 at the Canopy Club. I would LOVE to go see them, but I don't think I will be able to because it's a Tuesday. But Mae? They're great. If you don't know who they are, they did a Beatles cover which is now my myspace song.

Monday, February 12, 2007

"Don't do that unless you want to get a poke in the head."

Let me just start off saying that my hair is finally back to normal, and I am very excited about it!!!!!! I am hoping that I am done with some hair-dying for now. This is now the fifth time I've dyed it this school year...time to give it a rest. RIP nasty highlights

On another note, Wheaton and Brandon (aka Wheats and Loop) came up to visit me last night and it was a blast. We ate at Potbelly's and went to see Epic Movie, which wasn't that spectacular...anf then we came back to my room and watched National Geographic, proving that indeed we are all nerds. Sometimes I forget how loud Loopy is--he is a male version of me times about 10. Oh, well...

I also picked up a shift at the front desk this morning (5:50-8:50am). Yeah, it was very early, but I got paid to sit there and play mah jong on my computer for three hours.

And now I am going to finish Lord of the Rings...Two Towers? Whichever one the second one is.

Oh, yeah--I will be coming home this weekend with Ashley if the RHC accepts my request off.

Sorry for the ADD. It's been getting worse...

Friday, February 09, 2007

"I wish you two were lesbians!"

Ashley's best friend home Josh came from Western with his boyfriend Sean. Josh said he wished Ashley and I were lesbians because we are so cute together, lol.

And Sean is my new gay boyfriend. He trimmed my hair up (so now I don't have to go get it done) and straightened it for me because he is fantastic!!! :) He is one hot Italian man. Italian not Sicilian, which means...he is tall. Gotta love it. Anyway, Ashley and I decided that we're going to visit them sometime before the semester ends.

On another note, Ashley is home for the weekend so I feel pathetic because she is who I normally hang out with. So what do I do? I talk to her on the phone, lol. But my RA buddy Liz came over and we made some "Cards for Kindness" for a nursing home. It was our weekend activity this weekend, and because ISU is celebrating its 150th anniversary next week, every dorm has to do an activity that produces 150 something so we have to make 150 cards...we made about 100 yesterday and today we made about 20. I'm going to work on it the rest of the weekend, hopefully making 30 more.

Today was much better than last night. :)

P.S. I was getting my curling iron out of my closet and the plug part hit my my lip, which led to bleeding and a swollen lip. Only things like that happen to me, lol.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

"Seven drunken pirates for the seven deadly sins."

How dare you say I am not trying hard enough? How dare you tell me that I am not living up to your standards? You might not word it that way, but that is what you mean.

I fail in your eyes but not in mine. Please look through mine and try to see that not all my attempts may be successful but at least I've made them.

God, I just want to be a good person and find myself along the way. It's hard to do that when you don't believe in me.

Just believe. Please, please believe. It couldn't hurt to try and it's killing me that you don't.

Faith, trust, grace, love, understanding...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

"You look like a grown up."

I'm sure you all want to hear about my day, right? I went to all three of my classes, took two naps, ate some junky lunch.

I got all purdied up and Ashley surprised me with dinner at our friend Becca's apartment. My Scotty had cooked just about all of it. And for presents, I got laundry detergent which I asked for and a cocoanut. Let me tell you that it was major source of entertainment. It said it was Easy Open, but it lied! I poked a hole in it and drained all the milk but I couldn't crack it open for the life of me. So I took it outside and threw it on the ground as hard as I could with everyone from the little party watching, it smashed into a million pieces. So cool!!!!! I saved two large pieces to make a cocoanut bra for Sunday. I'm going to make a "DA BEARS" shirt and find a brass skirt so every time the Bears score a touchdown I can do the DA BEARS dance from the SNL skit. It's going to be amazing...I'm having a little superbowl party in my room.

Went to band and was bored out of my mind, so we t-boners ended up texting each other even though we were sitting next to one another. Waste of money, lol. So after band, four out of the six of us (oh, yes, the other girl dropped so I am yet again the only girl--sahweet!) went to Baker's Square to celebrate. Dan's birthday was the day before mine so it was a double whammy. We spent over an hour there...I feel like I really got to know them, and that makes me so very happy. Oh, and our grad student bought my brownie a la mode because he is fantastic. :) The best part of the Bakers Square event was that Gabe looked at me and said, "You look like a grown up now. I think it's your hair or something." Somehow that was a little liberating.

Thank you, everyone! I got a lot of facebook messages, texts, phone calls, cards. I didn't even remember Mom and Rachel had called me until I checked my phone log later. Seriously, guys--pick a new time! 7:00 is really early.

In other news, Kristen Osburn is coming up for the weekend and Cathy Yu is thinking coming now, too. The birthday festivities will be spilling into this weekend, which is cool. I talked to Jessie and she said that we should go to Ireland in the somewhat future (that is one of her best ideas I've heard in a long time ;). Dad and Patty are coming up Saturday night to feed my face. Exciting.

And if you're wondering why I am updating so late, it's because my sleep schedule is messed up. If I go to bed now, I will just lay there so instead I am being productive. Like right now for instance, I am informing all of you of birthday activites and soon I will be going to the bathroom to tape things up in the stall to make them look nicer. Yep. Our stalls are bleh--it's a girls' bathroom, it should be cooler than it is.
