Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"I heard the news today. Oh, boy."

I couldn't sleep so I got online to check my email, amongst other things.

Facebook is amazing because everyone knows my birthday and I don't have to say anything. It's nice that it's only 2:08am and I've had more than ten "Happy Birthdays" already. Makes the head swell a little. Oh, and Brian--did you notice that you said "Happy Birthday" right at midnight? That was a little weird.

I have received two e-cards via email. I felt special. Here is me bragging. XD One of them was from Marlisa and then there was an anonymous one that had the Beatles singing their birthday medley; I was impressed that someone remembered I like the Beatles so very much. It said,

"For the birthday girl on her special day
Her smile is a blessing in each and every way
She gives the most amazing hugs
And she is a little scared of bugs
But I still love her because she laughs
At every little thing she can

Love, Anonymous."

Pretty sweet, yes? Yes. This is an excellent way to start off the day. Go happiness. Yeah!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"'re such a bad influence!"

Well, maybe.

I just thought I should let you all know that I am no longer going to Ireland. I am a little upset still, but I will get over it.

On a plus side, I was really glad I got to see the family when I went home. Bobby is way cooler than we give him credit for. :) I hung out and watched TV with him Friday. On Saturday, Mom and Len took us to Chesapeake and the food was amazing!

I got into a slight altercation with a certain boy while I was home. Let's just say that our friendship will never be the same, and I don't know if you'll be seeing him around the house much when I come home. I don't like it when people jerk me around on their emotional rollercoaster. I am a good girl, I don't deserve it.

That's all I've got for now. Have a good night.

Friday, January 26, 2007

"I would do anything for love..."

So I was listening to Meatloaf, so what? I did a Meatloaf impression last weekend in Ashley's room in front of a group of my friends. It was pathetic. I let my hair down, shoved a pillow up my shirt and started to sing...the unfortunate part was that I didn't remember half the words to the song. But I was the party favorite. I think people like that I can make a fool of myself and not give a lick.

I got to sleep in today, ate a very tasty salad at McAlister's, had a very stimulating conversation with a girl from Encounter, not to mention I look cute today. I'm kind of sad because I don't really have time to work out before I go, but I'm hoping I will go for a jog tomorrow morning or early afternoon. Did I mention that I've worked out every day this week? I feel better already. Ashley and I would like to lose ten pounds by the time we go to Ireland. Anyway, today is going very well. And I'll be home in approximately three hours. I seriously can't believe what a good mood I am.

Today is Jessie Elmore's birthday. She is 21. Thought I would put that out there. That must be amazing to have your 21st birthday on a weekend. Mine will be on Thirsty Thursday. *shrug*

I really don't have anything else for you today. I hope all of you are having a fantastic day, and if you're not, have faith that it will get better. Life is too short to not be happy, to hold a grudge, to be bitter. Adieu.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

"Hello, hello, hello!"

I am watching TV right now...I'm on duty so I can't leave the dorm. Which means I'm eating EZ Mac in my room while working on some door decs for next month.

We had an incident earlier because of the Bears game. Oh, yeah--for all of those you don't know, THE BEARS ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I'm on duty that night, too. It's going to be a blast--not.

I will be home this weekend, and I haven't gotten my tickets yet, so I will let you know what time I will be back.

That's all I have for you. Sorry, it's a whimpy entry.

Friday, January 19, 2007

"I used the stick because I couldn't reach him."

So my room was covered in girls to watch Grey's Anatomy. I was pretty damn excited. We had bonding time. :)

My week is going well. Yesterday I was feeling a little down in the dumps, but today was a heck of a lot better. I felt a little uplifted, like something was pushing me along telling me everything was okay dokay. I like those days. A lot.

Today I was walking back from class with a friend, and I was kinda whining about how I didn't feel good and I was tired and things of those nature. I called myself on it, too. I didn't sound grumpy or tired or sick. Why do I always sound so perky? It's disgusting. I've noticed it has been getting worse...and not only that but I am becoming more and more a space cadet. I will trail off mid-sentence then forget what I was talking about. I will walk past a person who says HI and it won't even register until I have walked five feet past them. I get very easily distracted by the TV or a song--I will be dressing and completely forget what I was doing because Will Ferrell pops onto Comedy Central or an '80s song pops up on my playlist and I will start to dance around the room. It's distracting--I feel like I should diagnose myself with ADD but I know that that would be an incorrect diagnoses. And I will get too excited about what I am talking about and it all comes out as word vomit. A large garbled mess. And I get confused when more than one person is trying to talk to me...I'll forget what I am trying to say. The worst one is when I will trail off into my own world, the conversation will be changed to something else completely, and I will jump in where I left off as though my topic of conversation hadn't been dropped.

I am a loser, lol. I blame on it being my last two weeks of teenager awkwardness. Can you believe I am almost 20? I can't. It doesn't feel like it's been that long. Me...a whole two decades. I wanted to request of the weekend of Feb. 2-4 but everyone and their mom (i.e. about four other RAs) requested that weekend off, so instead I will be coming home Jan.26-28. This way I get to see Rachel one last time before she becomes a legal adult. And Jessie, I want to apologize that I won't be able to be home for your birthday. It's our spring break...and I'll be in Ireland. But I really would like to be there and meet Will. I'm sorry. :/

9:00-9:50 Weather
12:00-1:15 Economic Reasoning Using Statistical Reasoning

9:35-10:50 Literary Narrative
11:00-12:15 Human Sexuality
2:00-3:15 Educational Psychology
3:30-5:00 RA Meeting

9:00-9:50 Weather
12:00-1:15 Economic Reasoning Using Statistical Reasoning
7:00-9:25 U Band

11:00-12:15 Human Sexuality
2:00-3:15 Educational Psychology
3:30-5:00 In-service Meeting

9:00-9:50 Weather
11:00-12:15 Literary Narrative

Sweet schedule, right? I am excited. I dropped choir because I am just not enjoying it anymore. My director is nice but not very challenging, and I don't have the gumption, time, or correct major to do the more advanced choirs. It's okay. It's not like I don't sing in the shower and when we're dancing around the room. Haha.

This entry is way longer than I originally intended, so now I am going to bed! Have a good one, folks.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"The power to be, the power to give, the power to see..."

Her face is a map of the world, is a map of the world
You can see she's a beautiful girl, she's a beautiful girl
And everything around her is a silver pool of light
People who surround her feel the benifit of it, it makes you calm
She'll hold you captivated in her palm.

Suddenly I see
This is what I wanna be
Suddenly I see
Why the hell it means so much to me
Suddenly I see
This is what I wanna be
Suddenly I see
Why the hell it means so much to me

I feel like walkin' the world, like walkin' the world
And you can hear she's a beautiful girl, she's a beautiful girl
She fills up every corner like she's born in black and white
Makes you feel warmer when you're tryin' to remember what you heard
She likes to leave you hangin on a word

She's taller than most and she's lookin' at me
I can see her eyes lookin' from a page in a magazine
She makes me feel like I could be a tower
A big, strong tower
The power to be, the power to give, the power to see

Why does this song make me feel so much better?

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I new obsession is Kiefer Sutherland. Ow Ow Ow!!!!!

"I'm tired of boys wanting me only for my body..."

"...and I'm tired of boys not wanting me because of my body." This was said during a conversation with Ashley last night. And I don't think either one of us stopped laughing for about five minutes.

I'm sorry that I haven't really updated. I am sure all of you want to hear about my riveting week of RA training...but let's face it--it wasn't all that exciting. I did make a hell of a lot of new friends, which is fantastic. I have been very busy, that's for sure. After group training, we'd have training with just our part of campus and our dorm. I was one of three newbies for Walker Hall, one of five from central campus (Walker and Dunn-Barton), one of about thirty from the whole campus. Mallory and Scott are both new RAs over in Watterson. Oh, yeah, and my buddy Frannie was on rounds and they had a pot bust over at Southside, haha.

My weekend has consisted of sleeping in and working on decorations for my floor. I got the door decs done on Thursday, and I finished two of my three bulletin boards yesterday then started my third. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to put up on my last board. I think it's just going to be an activity calender for the rest of January. Oh, and Anna came over last night and helped me color the floor meeting signs (first on is on Wednesday night!).

And I send out a thank you to all of you who have been calling me. I appreciate it! :)

Sunday, January 07, 2007

"Oh, my virgin ears!"

Says the boy with the sailor's mouth. Just because a curse word slips every now and then does not make me a devilish fiend with no morals. :) But I think he knows that. Mom says that I've lost my manners since I've gone to school. Is that because I am uncouth or I have become more comfortable with my belching and cursing? Just because I am not prim and proper like it's tea and crumpet time does not necessarily mean that I am without manners. Does it?

Tonight was my last night at SnS until May. Although I was a little saddened upon arrival, I soon realized that I won't be missing the fountain (which is where they stuck me yet again tonight). My arm has been aching a little too much lately. I think this is mainly due to the whole ice cream scooping. Meh.

I've been kind of grouchy the past few days, so I apologize if you've met with any of my unjustified wrath. I honestly don't want to go back this week...I kind of want to wait until everyone else comes back instead of being one of four girls in our entire dorm. This whole experience is going to be...different. Wow, could I say a more ridiculously obvious statement? Haha. I hope everything works out. I'm actually rather nervous. But I figure that I usually am when I start a new job but then I get comfortable with my surroundings and everything is well in the land of Sarah.

In other news, I will be 20 in 24 days. No longer a teenager, thank you very much. It is so scary. Because I won't be able to hide behind the fact that I am a teenager when I do something irresponsible or immature. Because I am only one year away from being legally able to drink. Because I am one step closer to my life on my own as adult (i.e. paying my own rent and holding a teaching position). OOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Can you imagine me in front of class of high schoolers trying to explain to them who John Calvin was or explain the society of the Cold War Soviet Union? It is difficult for me to picture, but I know that I'll be doing it. It won't be too long now either... I am almost 20!