Tuesday, September 26, 2006

"We got mail?! Are you sure...?"

I got two things in the mail today, it was an occasion for great excitement. Dad sent me a note with a picture of Kaylin and Bekki sent me something, too.

And you're asking why I update twice in one day. Why to give you pictures of course. The one with the huge hair is just an example of what it looks like after being blown dry. I threw it in there for good measure. Tell me what you think!

"Why the hell would you do that?"

I was talking to one of my tipsy friends last night, and she rather disturbed that I would dye my hair purple. I figured that since my hair is so dark it would be more a purple tint than an actual purple, which is exactly what happened. Ashley and I decided to do it spur of the moment--hers is now bright red. We'll take some pictures later so you can all see it. Oh, and it's just temporary, so no worries.

Four of my closest friends and myself are now on a diet. We're holding each other accountable...eating together and exercising together. I think we're all pretty excited about it. Except for the cheese thing. No cheese. And no booze because, well, that is just empty calories right there. So maybe I'm not uber excited about it, but if I keep my goal in mind, I think we'll be safe.

Today I have a buttload of homework to do, so I'm going to go take my shower and do my thing. Have a lovely rest of the day, folks.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

"You have a sh*itload of mail to go through when you go home."

Lol, I bet you can guess who said that. :)

Mom, Lynn (sp?), and Rachel made it to my concert. I showed them my room afterwards, swiped them drinks, and gave Mom some of the albums I found at the vinyl place. And some Halloween candy. That makes pretty much everyone feel better, right?

I'm waiting for Mallory and Ashley to get back so we can eat and they discuss the goings on of Oswego this weekend.

I talked to Patty shortly after Mom left, and she told that Jeff and Elsa (Kathy and Mike's son and his now-legal Mexican wife) are finally having their wedding reception this Saturday. Since the Barn Dance is Friday, I am going home Saurday morning for the reception then coming back Sunday morning because Bekki bought us Hairspray tickets.

Mom, if you want to have the weiner roast the weekend before Halloween, go for it.

Looks like October will be a month of several home visits.


So I'm not as bad at bowling as I once was. Oh, yeah! Since Mallory and Ashley went home for the weekend, I was left to my own vices. Last night Heather and I had dinner and rented some movies after some major window shopping over in Campustown. Today we did some real shopping at the vinyl store next to the movie rental place. My first time in there...and I was impressed with all the records going for one dollar. Let's just say we spent a lot of time in there and a little bit of cash. My pal Marlisa and I went to Wal*Mart today to get some things for the Barn Dance on Friday. I finally got some boots and a few accesories for my cowgirl get-up. The ultimate deal is the red straw cowgirl hat. Yes, folks, one dollar. I was very excited indeed. Got some red dye for my Halloween outfit (I will be attempting Lucille Ball, for those of you who weren't aware). Oh, yes, and we now have a Superman container filled with Halloween candy. Our room is starting to look rather festive.

On a less chipper note, I spoke to Rachel today who told me Mom is "sicker than a dog." That sucks! I hope you feel better soon. I'm kind of sad that Mom probably won't make it. Dad wants to be in the fields tomorrow, too. So it looks like it's just Rachel. But you know what? She might be coming up here all by herself...and somehow that kind of makes up for it. She will drive for an hour to see me sing two songs that will sound like crap then drive another hour back. It means she loves me. And I love her. It's funny how something so little can mean so much.

Getter better, Mom!

Oh, and does anyone have Uncle Tim's email address? JR and AM don't have it...any other takers?

Friday, September 22, 2006

"Government Mule is the name of a band? How lame!"

Says the old roomie. I got a sample off iTunes, and Gov't Mule just happened to be on there.

Nothing new to report. Ashley and Mallory are home for the weekend, so it's just me in the room. It feels kind of weird. The only other weekend they've been gone I was at home so it didn't really seem like we missed much.

I ate a big bag of puppy chow today...Glenn and I are going to bowl tomorrow and have a movie night. We're trying to round up some more people. Concert on Sunday.

Oh, and enjoy the movie.

Monday, September 18, 2006

"I talked in my sleep?"

I couldn't fall asleep last night...mainly because I had too much on the brain. I was thinking about money mostly, to be honest. I have to say money isn't a top priority of mine, never really has been. I've been a lot more careful with it recently...I hate that I was thinking about it so much. I still haven't heard about the usher position yet, so I'm going to apply to the dining center this week. A job. w00t.

I have two more tests this week and another paper due next Friday in addition to another test next week. Bleh. I'm busy, busy, busy.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

"Made in China."

I want to edit a picture of Cathy Yu with that as the caption. Lol.

This is me avoiding my studying for my geology test tomorrow.

I ate too much at dinner and now I feel like a beached whale.

And I am going to be Lucille Ball for Halloween. Exciting, right? It's too bad I don't have a Ricky Ricardo. *shrug* Oh, and I will be coming home Oct. 6-8 for Rachel's football game. Plus it's homecoming weekend, so I figured some of my buddies will be back, too. I guess we'll see.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"Okay. Alright. Okay. Alright."

Song. w00t.

As per Jessie's request, I posted wedding pictures on yafro in addition to several others. I'm so glad I got a camera!!!!!!!! I always update on facebook, but I sometimes neglect yafro and photobucket. I think we're now up-to-date on all three, n'est-pas? Oui.

I woke up at 8:45 when I have class at 9:00. It was a mad dash to put some clothing on and make it to class before attendence was taken. He is such a Nazi about attendence. Geeze, Louise. Did I mention I tired I am so much of the time? I am just worn out. I'll get in bed (always by midnight if not earlier) then I can't fall asleep for what seems like forever. I am kind of disappointed that my old sleeping position doesn't work in this room. In 460, I always put my arm over my face and fell right to it, but in 362, I have to lay on my stomach because the AC goes right up my nose if I don't (the AC is at the end of my bed). I really want to take a nap, but I'm afraid if I nap I won't be able to fall asleep early tonight. Bloody mess, if you ask me.

Now I am off to eat or watch TV or do some homework or something. G'day, folks.

PS I had this dream where Max died one weekend, Aunt Mae died the following weekend, then Grandma died the next week. That would be one of the worst months in the history of Sarah. It was all about the going home and crying and horrible feelings. Sorry to end the blog on an unpleasant note.

Monday, September 11, 2006

"I must get away from the fumes."

Not to be gross or anything but our room has been filled with noxious gas lately. It's disgusting. It's not just 362's inhabitants either. We've had pretty much the regular group in our room every night for the past week or so...and let's just say people are getting waaaaaay too comfortable with themselves. There are some things that should be left outside in the hallway. Geeze.

And now on to my real purpose in writing. I am trying to keep myself well entertained until Mallory finishes with some of her reading. We've been going through a Sex in the City marathon for the past two weeks or so. We're almost done with season three--and we found someone with the entire collection, so you can imagine how much fun we're having. Mondays and Wednesdays I kind of get to blow the homework off--it's extremely nice. I only have one class Tuesdays and Thursdays...even better. Tomorrow, though, will be very productive day (I hope). I want to wake up early to take a shower and get some breakfast, go to my one and only class of the day (not to mention the most boring!), laundry time, lunch with Ashley, study study study! I have a test and a paper due on Friday so I'll be working on that, not to mention the music I have to have memorized for my concert next weekend, and the book I need to start reading for my Middle Eastern history class.

Things aren't that bad really. I am getting used to the workload, so I am also being a little more gungho on the job search. I think I'll make a trip down to the Career Center, and if nothing looks appealing, I'll take a stab at the dining center. It wouldn't be too bad since Stephanie (roommate #2) works there right now along with a couple of other girls I knew from my floor last year. Mallory wants to find a job, but I don't think she would ever consider a dining center job. All I have to say is that there is no way in hell I will ever go back to Sears for seasonal employment. Boo!!!!!!!!!

I also found it rather amusing that all of us talked about Uncle Tim dancing at Aunt Molly's wedding. I guess it was a historical event worth documenting. ;) By the way, thank you for taking me out to lunch on Saturday. I had fun, Mom. I hope you're feeling better! And wow, I haven't felt this blabby in a long time. I never feel like writing anymore because, well, I don't feel like there is anything significant to note. I will say this much, though, I do have a lot of fun whether it's significant or not.

PS The mini-feed on facebook is border-line stalker.

"She says no because you smell."

Dates to remember:
-September 24 2:00 (choir concert)
-November 12 2:00 (band concert) and 5:00 (choir concert)
-December 3 3:00 or 7:00 (Music for the Holidays)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

"I feel like a whale..."

We've been eating a lot. The cake I made for Mallory is still sitting here waiting to be eaten. Monday night we went for Thai food right after I got off the train then got some Ben & Jerry's and attempted to eat some cake. We celebrated both Mallory's and our friend Erica's birthday since it was yesterday.

I've been a little on the lacking side where sleep in concerned. I'm trying but between homework and this chick book I started and can't put down, it's hard to make it to bed early. I'm just hoping I don't get sick again. I can without that.

Uncle Mike's (Patty's sister's husband) dad died Sunday night. I don't know when the wake/funeral is, but if it's over the weekend, I think I'll go home for it. I am hoping it isn't, as bad as that sounds. Some of my friends' friends are coming up from Champaign and we're all going to the football game on Saturday and going to do a party later. Plus I was just home...for four nights. It felt weird coming back to school. It was a quasi-break. I'm crossing my fingers that there will be no reason for me to come home until the weiner roast (when is that?). Or maybe Rachel's senior night. That's important to here. Maybe I'll just come down for the game with some of my buddies. We all enjoy a good football game. I hope Jessie's premonition about Aunt Mae is incorrect. *crosses fingers*

I won't narrate the wedding because, well, my most constant readers were there. And for those of you who weren't there, it was fantastic. Best Spengler party in the last ten years. Easily. I will burn you a CD, Mom, but I would like it if I could get copies of your pictures, too. The whole weekend was good. Drank a little too much, but who didn't, man? It was weird seeing the entire family after a few drinks up and groovin' it on the dance floor. Especially Mom trying to shake her groove thing and Uncle Tim doing the Pony. I about peed my pants I was laughing to hard. Gotta love those Spenglers. :)