Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"I love mint shakes."

I worked 47 hours last week. And I had 2 days off. I am the master. I also don't have a life. :) I am having problems with one of the assistant managers. I think we're going to have to have a talk. It started up a couple of weeks ago. I have two weeks left and she's being as big a biznatch as she can. Grrrr.

So yes, two weeks left. Oh, Steak 'n Shake. I will miss thee. I'll be back on holidays, but I'm hoping that Christmas break will be the last of me working there. I think I might have plans for spring break, and hopefully, next summer I will be working on campus. It makes me kind of sad that I have never held a job for more than a summer. Oh, well.

Tonight, Mom, Rachel, and I will be going to O'Charley's for dinner and see LOB's Aida (however that is spelled) out at the Muni. It should be good...I heard it was from a little Corrielynn. Sidenote: I sometimes wonder how Rachel feels about me. Every night I have off I usually hang out with her or call her or something. She almost always wants to do something when I ask, but do you think I'm a little overbearing? When I was still in high school, my group of friends was her group of friends...and now that I'm gone, she's become a little social butterfly. Was I holding her back? I can't help that I love having my little sister for a best friend. She's my Rachel, and I love her. I just hope that I'm not a huge pain in her ass.

Anywho, dates to remember:
Aug. 8--last day of SnS
Aug. 10--Twilight Parade
Aug. 11-13--going-out-of-town bash somewhere in there
Aug. 15--moving into Atkin 362
Aug. 16--training for move-in leaders
Aug. 17-20--passages weekend for the freshman and Rachel visiting
Aug. 31--coming home for Labor Day weekend
Sept. 2--AM's wedding!!!!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

"I'm okay with it if you are."

I'm going to Oswego tomorrow!!! Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think you realize just how excited I am right now. *does a little dance*

I have to be at work in a little bit...not particularly happy about it. Last night I went in only to find out I was an extra so Rachel and I went to go see the Benchwarmers which was really funny. Rented Rumor Has It and Red Eye. I liked Rumor Has It. I was slightly disappointed in the end, though. Oh, well. Not all chick flicks end them the way you want them to. Today, I met Kristen and Cathy at Little Saigon. First time I'd ever been there...delicious. Jake happened to be there, and neither one of us made any effort to acknowledge the other. Gotta love those family ties.

That's about it. I update twice in one week, aren't you proud? Oh, yeah, I am moving back in August 15. *happy dance* I don't think I've expressed how much I miss being on campus. I will hug my mattress (as soon as some sheets are put on), and I will hug Mallory so many times she'll think I'm trying to cop a feel. Oh, it'll be great. <3

PS The funniest thing happened last night when Rachel and I came home. I think I embarassed the new boyfriend quite a bit. :D

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars..."

You get a cookie if you know where that quote is from.

Luke got fired from SnS last night. Poor kid. He was pissed to say the least.

Today was Grandma's birthday. I treated Aunt Priscilla, Kathy, Rachel, and Grandma to some tastiness at the Pretzel Plaza. Aunt P left a shitty tip so I left a few extra. We drove down to J-ville to visit Grandpa, then proceeded to drive around and look at huge rich-people houses on State St. All the sight-seeing and bad driving made me queasy which worsened when we went to DQ. Ice creams makes me want to throw up. I had hoped this day would not come but obviously it has. Ice cream is sooooooooo gross. I'm getting sick just thinking about it. Icksdbsjfbljms.

I am going to Oswego for Friday night. Ashley's birthday was today, and Mallory is in Beauty and the Beast. My girls! And Bobby earns the title of coolest older brother. He somehow managed to convince Dad and Patty that I really am 19-years-old and need a little time off the farm and away from SnS. I've worked my butt off the past five or six weeks, and since I can't go on vacation with them, this is my little outting. "You've got her on such a tight leash." She doesn't do anything anymore. "That's because you told her she can't go anymore, she can only use the car for work." We never see her anymore. "You encourage her to get all the hours she can get. And apparently, that's until 3:30 in the morning." Hooray for someone to stand up for me. I really hate lying. I've done my fair share of it, and rather badly. Sure there are a few things I just don't bring up, but when asked, I am honest with them. I mean, come on, I will be twenty in less than six months. I'm not the little Sarah Mae who ran around the yard singing operatic-Sarah Italian anymore. They are finally giving me some breathing room here and I owe it all to Bobby. So thank you very much for being a cool older brother, I appreciate it.

I've been hanging out with Mom more, which I love. We tend to watch movies. We watched An Unfinished Life Sunday night...I think it was unanimous--we loved it. A cattle ranch in Wyoming with Robert Redford, Morgan Freeman, AND Josh Lucas? Geeeeeeze. Josh Lucas is gorgeous. And although I didn't originally want to see it because J. Lo is in it, I really liked it. She wasn't that annoying. :)

The Godfather is going slowly. I've lost my original gusto for reading. Right now I am beginning to think Johnny Fontane will be taking over the Don's business. Seems justifiable. He is the Godson afterall. *shrug*

I think that's about it. I won't bore you with work stories, hahaha. Oh, yeah. Two thinks that make me happy? Kristen, Cathy, and I will be eating a late lunch at Little Saigon Thursday afternoon. I talked to Kevin Imhoff on the phone for what seemed like forever tonight--it was good. I miss my kids. Anyway, have a good one, folks.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

"I look like the fat cafeteria lady. Jesus."

It's true. So would you like to know how many hours I worked last weekend? 28. In three nights. Effing nuts, let me tell you. I am so glad I'm in with the night manager. The busiest I've ever seen SnS was this past Friday around 12:30am. Cahrazy night. All the drunks came out, including some kids I know from ISU. Brian said, "Hey, how're you? Thanks for the food. I'm drunk!" He laughed and I retorted with, "Well, I'm glad to see you're driving around then." The cops pulled him over as they were exiting the parking lot and I laughed so hard I cried. I'm almost positive they got arrested because they're under agers. Idiots.

Anyway, so what's been going on with me? I saw Cars with Dad, Patty, Bobby, his girlfriend, and all the kids the day before Father's Day. Last week Rachel and I saw The Omen and Superman. Last night Matt and I went to the drive in and saw Nacho Libre and X-Men 3 (yes, again-that makes it three times). Anyway, Nacho Libre is no doubt the biggest waste of time known to earth. Jack Black...oh, God. I could do without seeing his butt crack which appeared several times in the hour and a half of the movie. I've been hanging out with Bekki more, which is fun. Today we went to the mall and chilled out. Went into I don't know how many stores. She got her other ear cartilage pierced and I got second holes. I know Mom will roll her eyes when she reads this--morwe holes in those beautiful ears??? Yes, indeed. We went into Hot Topic and spent quite a bit of time browsing. I felt especially emo today with my Mae T-shirt and cat-eye glasses. I'm such a goof sometimes.

I feel bad because Kristen and Cathy keep calling me to hang out, but it never seems to work. They have class during the week, and Kristen works, too. All I do on the weekends anymore is work, sleep, and eat on occasion. Speaking of which, I've lost 10 pounds since I left school. Go me? Oh, yeah, and little Luke works with me at Steak 'n Shake. He seems to like it enough.

Anyway, that's about it. I'm going to Oswego next weekend to see Mallory (the future roommate) in Beauty and the Beast. I'm going up Friday on the train then coming back on Saturday...I haven't seen her since I left the train depot back during finals week. I miss my Oswego kids immensely. And Scott should be coming down to visit sometime this month, so hopefully that will work out. I miss him a lot, too. Yep. Hi, everyone, hope your day is going well. I've been sitting here for two and a half hours checking my email and everyone's journals, so I think I should be off. Have a good one.