Thursday, May 24, 2007

"She's got such a pretty face but she feels like a disgrace."

What was that? Sarah is in one of her depressing moods again? Bingo.

The only person I've really talked to on the phone for the past three days has been Ashley, with the exception of Bekki. She is leaving tomorrow...her plane leaves at 6:00pm for London. She and Erica will be flying there then to Milan and Paris and somewhere else I can't remember before starting classes. I'm going to miss her.

Going to see Pirates tomorrow night because that's when it opens and that's just how we roll. I'm going to Party Tree to see if we can find eye patches and some hats. Might as well play the part, you know?

Something feels really wrong. I can't put my finger on it just yet, but I'm sure to find out soon. I'm hoping that it'll be quick, like a bandaid. I know I don't have it together, and that's what sucks the most.

I start work Friday night. I didn't want to work, I don't really want to do anything. I'd be happy if money didn't exist or I had enough of it. I wish gas prices would come down. I want to stop crying every time I think about Rachel leaving; it's a hard habit to break. I am thankful for the people around me, but I wish I wasn't such a burden to them. I really hate myself sometimes.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

"You're awesome. No one else would have done that."

I've been home for a week. It's been good to lounge around and do things at my leisure.

Mom's birthday was on Wednesday so we went out to celebrate on Tuesday. Wednesday I went to Kaylin's soccer game. Thursday we had a girls' night in, which was a blast. And Ashley took the train in yesterday to spend the night, left today. We saw Wheaton and Loopy last was good seeing them.

I have to admit that I am pretty tired right now but content. I'm extremely glad to be home. :)

Friday, May 11, 2007

"Are you happy?"

Am I? I'm glad to be done with finals. I'm not so happy that I have to chill here until Sunday. But it's alright...I'm going to sleep, eat, and do a whole lot of nothing, except checking people out of their rooms. And I have to take down everything in my room and pack on Saturday.

I feel like such a complainer right now, so I won't say too much more. I cried when I watched the Nanny tonight. It was the series finale rerun...I'm a loser. And way to weepy as of late.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

"Watch me as I gravitate."

My first final today was alright. The multiple choice section was super easy, but the short answer was tricky...I'm glad I studied as much as I did. My weather final at 7:50am tomorrow is going to suck. A lot. And I have another one at 10, which won't be too bad since it's literary narrative. I need to finish reading Metamorphosis, but I only have ten pages to go or so.

It's been harder to say goodbye then I thought. Some friends have already left. Tonight was the Encounter pancake dinner...I had to say goodbye to most of my friends there because they're all going home or are too busy to hang out before I leave on Sunday. It's especially hard to say bye to the girls in my small group; I've come to love all of them a lot.

Right now I am putting off some further studying. And to maybe rant a little. It's ridiculous how often I've heard marriage mentioned lately. It's all over the place! HeyYu and I joked about how we're probably going to be the only two of the Lunch Buddies are still single come Niki's wedding in August 2009. We'll be the only ones not seriously committed to many of the girls were knew are getting married. I feel absolutely feel the heat. I think I'm feeling it from myself mostly. Phew. Right now I am completely content with my friends. I can do what I want when I want and with whom I want. Not that I wouldn't be able to do that when I am dating someone. But geeze. Boys complicate things so much. And why do people come to me for dating advice when I've been the single longest next to Cathy? I don't understand this. Is it because they think I've seen it all? Oh, well.

I'm going to miss my complete independence here at school while I'm home for the summer. Yeah, I'm ready to be home, but I'll be bitching about how I ain't got no respect and have to check in with the 'rents in a few weeks. My room here at school is larger than my room at home, lol, which is mostly due to the fact that my bed at home is large. Oh, well. :) Still excited!!!!!!!!

G'night, folks.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

"Could you..."

So Ashley was closing a car door and accidentally broke Whitney's thumb. Whoops. She obviously feels horrible, but it wasn't something she wanted to do on purpose. They spent over an hour in the ER.

I'm on duty tonight...and right now I am craving a gondola from Avanti's like nobody's business. I have almost no money on my redbird card so I'm going to be ordering some take-out this week anyway.

This weekend was awesome. It was super busy...I didn't get much sleep, but I still enjoyed myself immensely. Friday Rachel and I went to see Spiderman 3 with Bekki, Wyatt, Steve, and Wyatt's friend Chris. Saturday we babysat while Bobby mowed then we went to the PARK concert. I was kind of disappointed with some of the opening bands...I'm not as big a fan of screamo as I once was. But PARK was simply amazing. My only objection was the moshing and rushing the crowd. We were in a small space with a lot of people...not perfect conditions for the tiny girls who were standing in front of us, especially since we ended up on the edge of mosh arena.

Lots to do this week: studying, taking finals (one Tuesday, two Wednesday, on Thursday), checking my residents out. Can't wait for it to be over in a week!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

"I'm going to draw a picture..."

Okay, so none of you will really get this, but I thought it was rather hilarious. This is what you get after your sugar fix in Chatter's at 11:30pm. Tom the eucalyptus tree, Stacey the koala, Stefanie and I are apparently the Croc Hunter and his wife.

I'll be home in 29 hours. And now I have to go work on a paper, thank you. :)