Thursday, October 12, 2006

"Sweet deal."

My new phrase that I never should have started saying because now I can't stop myself.

Corrie's right. Most people write about their day-to-day events that might seem trivial to some and juicy to others. Well, let's add some meaning to this blog. Liven it up a little.

The question is how much have I changed since graduation.

I love a lot harder...but I let go more easily. I have become way more attached to my family than I ever thought possible. Even though I don't agree with everything they say or do, there isn't anything that could make me stop loving them. Blood is much thicker than water.

I'm more patient. I take more time to do things now. Thank you, Sears Portrait Studio. I think this trait will do me well when I start to teach.

I am much more content to be an onlooker instead of always being the one looked upon. I still do love being the center of attention on a rare occasion, but I think that I enjoy watching other people being spotted more.

I've learned to be quiet. That was hard before and I don't know why. Not everything has to be a melodrama. Not everything I say has to be hysterical. I can just sit in my room and think, no noise necessary.

Music isn't my absolute passion right now. I still love it dearly, but it isn't my core being at the moment. I am just enjoying the extra time to relax and become more comfortable in my own skin.

I don't like talking on the phone as much as I used to...and I don't call as many people as I used to. Instead I email or blog. But I certainly don't deny calls. I even accept them after 2:00am if necessary.

Things that haven't changed...

I still love all my friends dearly, even if I don't talk to them as often as I should. That doesn't mean that I don't think about them and want to be near them, be there for them when they needed a shoulder to cry on.

I'm still tall and chunky. Still squishy around the middle and still give great hugs. My hair color has changed from time to time, but I still look like a Spengler.

I have always been a picture whore. This we can't deny. I probably asked Mom to take my picture a lot when we were little. Now I'm taking them myself.

I believe that things work out for a reason. Maybe you can call that fate, I don't know. Everything has a purpose, whether we know it or not.

Folks, have a glorious evening...I will talk to you later.

Oh, and one thing I love about coming home. I love waking up and knowing Dad and Patty are across the hall or Mom is just downstairs. I feel more secure in my beds at home than anywhere else.

1 comment:

JD said...

Good blog. Looking like a Spengler is not always bad. We get noticed. Thanks grandma and grandpa...