Thursday, October 05, 2006

"What does it mean now?"

It's a World Party song, and I would show you come lyrics but I can't find them online.

Today Stephanie went out on the quad to the breast cancer bus. We bought some pink bracelets and were a little too late for the free T-shirts. Oh, and we also bought some raffle tickets for the new music sorority they're trying to set up. Wouldn't that be fun to join??? You don't have to be a music major/minor, and I would be with a lot of people that would care as passionately as I do for music. Or maybe not. I hate sororities with a violent dislike. Ick.

I talked to Kristen and Bekki last night and Corrie today. I am just the regular conversationalist. I miss talking to my Lunch Buddies from home. And I think this weekend will be fun because Jessie is coming home (mad props for the updates, guys!). I had no idea who was getting married until I saw some comments on Jessie's myspace (and wow, do I feel like a stalker). Mom, I'll burn you a CD of pictures. :)

Now for the crappy part of my day, homework. Booo!!!

Oh, and PS I am thoroughly excited to say that I have been a diet the last couple of weeks and I have lost a pants size. AND today is dessert day so I had a piece of cake and it was absolutely delicious. Mmmmm.

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