Wednesday, October 18, 2006

"I've never been so lost. I've never felt so much at home."

The stress factor is good. Not a lot of it. I do have a test tomorrow in geogprahy, then I have a meeting with my academic advisor to take a crack at my four-year plan (funny how I'm already three semesters in and I'm just now planning). I'm supposed to hang out with Stephanie tomorrow to watch Gone With the Wind, but I think I'll end up being at the library all day working on this paper that's due Friday. Wish me luck, folks.

I just got an email saying that Passages (the freshmen's first weekend on campus before classes started) pictures are up. I'm only in a few, which makes me kind of sad...but it happens. Here's the link in case anyone is interested.

You guys have no idea how excited I am about coming to the weiner roast this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jessie, are you coming home?

1 comment:

JD said...

No can do. I might have a visitor from out of town for Mizzou's homecoming.

Its a good thing your test wasn't in spelling. Although, I am no one to speak.