Monday, October 30, 2006

"I'm not going to lie--that was a pretty sweet costume."

So obviously I haven't been much up to updating. And things seem to get more and more hectic every time I take a breather.

Today was an excellent day.
-I had a fantastic shower.
-The weather was spectacular.
-I got a lot of compliments in choir today for the soli and a lot of "I wish I could sing that low"s.
-I had a free meal at Olive Garden.
-I had a few good phone conversations as well.
Just fantabulous.

I posted a heck of a lot of photos on Yafro, so enjoy. I also posted a couple of movies--you can check them out on my photobucket.

Hope everyone is having as great week as I am (even though it only just began). :)

PS I registered from next semester classes.

Weather MWF 9-9:50
Economic Reasoning Using Statistics MW 12-1:15
Choir MW 4-5:15
Band W 7-9:25
Literary Narrative T 9:35-10:50, F 11-12:15
Human Sexuality TR 11-12:15
Educational Psychology TR 2-3:15

Another 17 hours. w00t.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

"I'm fulfilling a promise..."

And then there was silence because I had started to sob. I made Patty promise to call me if Max died...and he did today. He was outside with Chewy all day, and Patty saw him when she came home.

Oh, my poor Maxwell. It's like losing a member of my immediate family.

I was downstairs eating dinner and burst into tears; needless to say, I excused myself and am now crying in my room. I have to go to band in a little bit, and I really don't want to now.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

There was an unexpected face in the Enounter crowd, and it made me smile. I hadn't seen him since maybe the first week of this semester. We had a good chat.

My first day at Burger King was good. Everyone was really nice and answered all my questions.

My week is going good. I'm just very happy it's going so well.

We got invited to a costume party on Friday...and I'm waaaaay excited. It's going to be good.

Monday, October 23, 2006

"Hey, cupcake."

I wanna swim away but don't know how
Somtimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean
Let the waves up, take me down
Let the hurricane set in motion
Let the rain of what I feel right now
Come down, let the rain come down

Lately, I have been very into Blue October. I have their last CD...can you believe I actually cried when I saw the music video for "Hate Me"? And "Into the Ocean" is kind of a downer if you read the lyrics, but it has such a happy melody. Oh, the irony.

I think I've been extra emotional lately. A lot of minor things will set me into a rainfall of tears. Nothing major. An episode of Full House, a song. My friend Katie just told me she missed me (she went to ISU last year and now goes to Loyola), which made me cry. Ashley and I spent most of the day together, which made me happy and a little tear-eyed. When Kaylin picked up the phone when I called Bobby...I miss her.

I'm very glad I went home, even if it only was for one day. I had an excellent time...I needed to see my kids from home. I didn't get to see everyone, but that's okay. Sometimes you just need your girls (or boys).

This week is so much calmer. I turned in my last paper, and I only have one test this week. Tonight I caught up on the TV I missed last week. Mallory taped over the finale of Project Runway, but I'll just catch it later. Ashley and I are putting together our Halloween costumes. Does anyone remember watching Legends of the Hidden Temple on Nickolodeon? Yeah, we're dressing up like that--we're green monkeys (for one night). We're going to pirates another night and '80s girlies another night. Halloween weekend this year is Thursday through Tuesday. Yikes!!! I think we'll be going out maybe two nights and then Halloween (Rocky Horror Picture Show at midnight!). I'll make sure to take plenty of pictures.

Jessie, you should call Rachel and talk to her (she would kill you if you asked on myspace so just call her).

Oh, and I forgot to mention that someone suggested me to the WOW committee for Passages weekend. It's the committee that plans out the entire weekend for the freshmen, which is actually kind of cool. I still have to submit an application, so we'll start there.

Did I mention I got a part in the alto soli for the choir concert?

Yeah, this week is definitely looking up. :D

Thursday, October 19, 2006

"Hello?" "Hello?"

I love that I play the hello game. You say hello then the other person says hello then you say hello again. It's pretending to see who can go on the longest or something.

I am so slap-happy right now. I think it's mainly due to the fact that it's almost 2:30 in the morning and I'm just winding down to go to bed. I've been studying for this geography test (hey, Jessie, look--I can really spell), and I feel like I am going to ace this thing. You know why? Because it's almost all European history. This thing is going to be so easy. I was studying with some girls from my floor and one of them asked me how I knew what year the Berlin Wall was torn down. Thought it was common knowledge? *shrug* And I love how we talk about supernationalism and the rise of Muslim in Europe. You know why I love that? Because, my dears, that's exactly what I am learning about in my history of the Middle East class. Hooray for everything being so connected.

And to reiterate what Jessie said in her blog, I am extremely glad that I have such good friends and family. And I love that I can blog and my sisters and mother can read it. Bobby called me tonight just to chat, and that made me one happy camper. Random calls for no reason make me very appreciative. :) I will mention yet again that I am uber excited about coming home for this weekend...and so is Ashley.

I will write to thee later by another moonlit sky (in at least 24 hours' time). Look how the yellow'd leaves tremble in the tempermental wind.
The streetlights twinkle below.
I can see Papa John's shinin' up a storm a block away.

Good night, m'darlings.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

"I've never been so lost. I've never felt so much at home."

The stress factor is good. Not a lot of it. I do have a test tomorrow in geogprahy, then I have a meeting with my academic advisor to take a crack at my four-year plan (funny how I'm already three semesters in and I'm just now planning). I'm supposed to hang out with Stephanie tomorrow to watch Gone With the Wind, but I think I'll end up being at the library all day working on this paper that's due Friday. Wish me luck, folks.

I just got an email saying that Passages (the freshmen's first weekend on campus before classes started) pictures are up. I'm only in a few, which makes me kind of sad...but it happens. Here's the link in case anyone is interested.

You guys have no idea how excited I am about coming to the weiner roast this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jessie, are you coming home?

Friday, October 13, 2006


That's what Stephanie calls me in her Stephanie way. I've spent more time with her recently, and I'm glad. I miss having her for a roommate. How can two people so much alike and different at the same time? God only knows.

It's past 1:30 in the morning, and I'm taking a study break from geology. I haven't been this stressed in a while. I have my last midterm tomorrow, which is good, but that means it's midterm paper time. I have three due next week. Good riddance. I only have so much writing creativity. Forgive me if I don't write much for this week...I have to save my mojo for the grades. Ick.

Rachel is coming up Saturday morning. I talked to her tonight...she wants me to go to this Papa Roach concert the day after Thanksgiving. And as much as I would love to see some really smelly, sweaty mulleted men standing around listening to their angry white man music (I actually do like Papa Roach), I will be back at good old SnS making some mulah. Speaking of money, I got a job at Burger King. Tuesdays and Saturdays. I don't know how this is going to work next weekend with the weiner roast (I have orientation tomorrow, I will make sure to ask).

Other than that, I don't have much else. I'm just plain ol' tired. And I honestly don't care if I do well on this test tomorrow since he drops our lowest test grade. So there! Oh....and I have a meeting with my academic advisor (FINALLY) to talk about my minor and schedule out the rest of my schooling here at ISU.

Exciting stuff, right?

Thursday, October 12, 2006

"Sweet deal."

My new phrase that I never should have started saying because now I can't stop myself.

Corrie's right. Most people write about their day-to-day events that might seem trivial to some and juicy to others. Well, let's add some meaning to this blog. Liven it up a little.

The question is how much have I changed since graduation.

I love a lot harder...but I let go more easily. I have become way more attached to my family than I ever thought possible. Even though I don't agree with everything they say or do, there isn't anything that could make me stop loving them. Blood is much thicker than water.

I'm more patient. I take more time to do things now. Thank you, Sears Portrait Studio. I think this trait will do me well when I start to teach.

I am much more content to be an onlooker instead of always being the one looked upon. I still do love being the center of attention on a rare occasion, but I think that I enjoy watching other people being spotted more.

I've learned to be quiet. That was hard before and I don't know why. Not everything has to be a melodrama. Not everything I say has to be hysterical. I can just sit in my room and think, no noise necessary.

Music isn't my absolute passion right now. I still love it dearly, but it isn't my core being at the moment. I am just enjoying the extra time to relax and become more comfortable in my own skin.

I don't like talking on the phone as much as I used to...and I don't call as many people as I used to. Instead I email or blog. But I certainly don't deny calls. I even accept them after 2:00am if necessary.

Things that haven't changed...

I still love all my friends dearly, even if I don't talk to them as often as I should. That doesn't mean that I don't think about them and want to be near them, be there for them when they needed a shoulder to cry on.

I'm still tall and chunky. Still squishy around the middle and still give great hugs. My hair color has changed from time to time, but I still look like a Spengler.

I have always been a picture whore. This we can't deny. I probably asked Mom to take my picture a lot when we were little. Now I'm taking them myself.

I believe that things work out for a reason. Maybe you can call that fate, I don't know. Everything has a purpose, whether we know it or not.

Folks, have a glorious evening...I will talk to you later.

Oh, and one thing I love about coming home. I love waking up and knowing Dad and Patty are across the hall or Mom is just downstairs. I feel more secure in my beds at home than anywhere else.

Monday, October 09, 2006

"Wow, you look perky..."

It's true. Today was good.

I talked to Wheaton for a while, and that was good, too. Not much else to report...I'll put some more pictures up pretty soon.

--EDIT 10:12PM--
Photos have been uploaded to Yafro. If you don't know what Yafro is, just click the pictures link on the side of this page.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


I thought you guys would appreciate this.  Posted by Picasa

"What does it mean now?"

It's a World Party song, and I would show you come lyrics but I can't find them online.

Today Stephanie went out on the quad to the breast cancer bus. We bought some pink bracelets and were a little too late for the free T-shirts. Oh, and we also bought some raffle tickets for the new music sorority they're trying to set up. Wouldn't that be fun to join??? You don't have to be a music major/minor, and I would be with a lot of people that would care as passionately as I do for music. Or maybe not. I hate sororities with a violent dislike. Ick.

I talked to Kristen and Bekki last night and Corrie today. I am just the regular conversationalist. I miss talking to my Lunch Buddies from home. And I think this weekend will be fun because Jessie is coming home (mad props for the updates, guys!). I had no idea who was getting married until I saw some comments on Jessie's myspace (and wow, do I feel like a stalker). Mom, I'll burn you a CD of pictures. :)

Now for the crappy part of my day, homework. Booo!!!

Oh, and PS I am thoroughly excited to say that I have been a diet the last couple of weeks and I have lost a pants size. AND today is dessert day so I had a piece of cake and it was absolutely delicious. Mmmmm.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

"Whomever decided on the weather today must be feeling a little bipolar."

Not much to report, folks. I've been keeping busy all week with homework. I'm going home for the whole weekend this time--Rachel's senior football game is on Friday.

And I am starving. I can't wait for my roommate to get out of class.

Monday, October 02, 2006

"You can't stop the beat!!"

Bekki and I went to Hairspray last night. It was absolutely fantastic. I have to say that I am extremely glad that we went. We got autographs after the show and met the leads.

Friday was the Barn Dance. It was a blast, too. Overall, it was a very good weekend (minus the stress of my Jacob Riis paper that was due today).

I am borrowing a friend's CD--Angels and Airwaves. They sound emo-esque. The second song is definitely along those lines.

The friendships we made, is a waste our time.
There's no one left here, to show a future that's kind.
It's a world of hate, gone incredibly wrong.
We cared to late, we just followed along.

Did anyone else notice the grammatical error? Yep, it's in the paper dealie in the front of the CD. And I'm also confused about what they're trying to convey. All the pictures in the album are of WWII images--fighter planes, empty shells of buildings in London. The songs kind of go along with it, but still...they're emo? I don't get it.

Anyway, I posted some pictures for you because Yafro hates me with a passion.