Saturday, June 16, 2007

*awkward silence*

The internet is magically back up and running so I am on the interent, 2:30am.

Revelations of the week:
-I am turning into a bit of a hippie. Not in dress, mind you, but in the fact that I'm getting more and more liberal in my political views and the people I've recently gotten closer to.
-I am a friend of convenience. This is both a good and a bad thing.
-I really don't like boys right now. It's just a down time for them...not really appreciating them at all.
-I am very busy.
-Gretchen Wilson will be at the State Fair along with Daughtry (separate night of course).

We had to take this political placement test online for my politics class, and I was on the line between liberal and communitarian. It's not where I placed myself before the test, but then again I didn't really think that all my opinions on policies and current issues added up would make me liberal (now that I've thought about it, it makes sense).

Kristen is the only person from high school (with the exception of the Leber boys) that I talk to on a regular basis. With everyone else, we only really hang out on breaks and such. Bekki I didn't really become close with until right after we graduated, but between Bekki and Kristen...there lies the continual friendship.

I was supposed to hang out with a friend, and I found out later the reason was because he/she got laid. If said friend had called me to tell me this, I wouldn't have been bothered too much, but because I found out from someone else after the fact, I am pretty pissed. Yeah, this is somewhat amusing to other people...but I think if you knew the situation, you wouldn't be laughing so hard. I feel like this person only calls me when he/she needs a little self-esteem boost because I seem to provide that through moral support or something to that effect, but as soon as a better opportunity comes along, I'm left in the dust. I will not remain a doormat, thank you.

1 comment:

Brian P. "Petey Pablo" said...

That's fucked up about your friend. (She) should want to hang out with you whenever and not just after some hook-up or whatever.
Well, I've put up with worse, that's for sure.