Monday, November 27, 2006

"Like a school kid waiting for the spring..."

Come on, who else adores Love Actually? It's one amazing movie. Especially if you're a girl and love chick flicks. I came back to the room tonight after a late choir rehearsal and it was on.

Mallory said maybe five words to me last night and hasn't spoken to me since. I'm not sure how to take this. I can't believe that she hates me enough to give me the silent treatment.

I will be extremely busy until the end of the semester. I only have two weeks and then finals last final is Dec. 14 so I'll be home that Friday (I think). I'm picking up a couple of extra shifts, too, which will be great for the Christmas shopping. :)

I had a fantastic break. Really. I think a large part of that was due to the fact that Ryan was staying with Mom and Rachel. Oh, and we really wanted to call Andrew one night after a few margaritas but we didn't have his number, lol.

Anyway, not much else to tell. So everyone, have a good day. Later.

1 comment:

JD said...

Check the blog for a picture so cute you will want to puke.