Friday, July 29, 2005

This is the part we say goodbye.

I think it is time I left my LJ. So here is my new doodling place. Welcome, Sarah Lou, to your new hiding place. And you got started all thanks to Mr. Burns. How funny is that?

But I feel that since I am no longer in HS, I endeavor to broaden my horizons and choose a slightly different path, even if keeping the same sn.

I don't really have much to say right now, so I will leave it at that and wish a good night. Adieu, faithful journal of mine, have a delightful evening.


Static Transmissions said...

I think blogs are better but sometimes the comment system messes up which is gay and a half. but hey now you have my blogger name which is a direct link to my other blogs which includes the only one i actually post in, a little bit of magic.

Static Transmissions said...

SArah, I really need to talk to you. Like tons and tons and you don't have a phone. Curse you! My number is 217.741.7973 but my cells been janky so if that doesn't work or if I don't answer call me at 217.787.5829. God, I don't even know how long it will be before you get this message.